- HAPPINESS is a present time -
Happiness quotations and sayings
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed
Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute
with love, grace, and gratitude
( Denis Waitley )
Just few things can give Happiness
such as kindly gesture,
tender word,
a smile

The webmasters of this website |
We can not explain happiness, we just feel it
( Miguel de Unamuno )
There is only one happiness in this life :
To love and be loved
( George Sand )
Happiness is something which multiplies when you share it
( Paulo Coelho )

M.F. Garnier's illustrations in 1958 Boscher's Method
Happiness is an amazing feeling :
more you give, more you have
( Suzanne Curchod : Mrs Necker )
The happiest people
are the givers, not the takers
The best time to be glad is now.
When you share your time with someone you love.
To be glad is simple
Happiness is not something you postpone for the future ;
it is something you design for the present
( Jim Rohn )
Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions ;
it is governed by our mental attitude
( Dale Carnegie )
Happiness starts with you.
Not with your relationship.
Not with your job. Not with money but with you !
« a foretaste of the Joy in the paradise »
« an ineffable and glorious Joy »
I -Jesus Christ- have told you this -read John 15-
so that my Joy may be in you and that your Joy may be complete [ John 15 : 11 ]
How to believe some mystery such as the incarnation, the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ the man-God ??? How can us love an unknown person who teach us only humiliation, suffering on the cross and renunciation ??? And at the same time as this, to have a foretaste of the joy in the heaven and to try out already its delight ?? Human philosophy can not understand that, only faith can help our mortal body to believe it.
[ a fervent christian of the 17th century ]
This joy comes from our close relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ. This is a divine joy. A joy that we have in spite of our sorrow through our trial, persecutions and trouble. A foretaste of the glory of the heaven in our sufferings in the present time. This joy, we can test and have from now.
[ Pleased to The Lord 2021 ]
![The art of being happy lies in the power
of extracting happiness from common things
[ Henry Ward Beecher ]
To discover the deep South part of Madagascar, Androy area
Ravo.Madagascar s 2007 picture © Madagascar, the deep South part of Ambovombe Androy, Ravo.Madagascar s picture](../Gif/Bongolava_Ankavandra_Manambolo_Madagascar_A3.jpg)
Ramy & Ravo, Madagascar, 2014
at the bandits area of
Bongolava Belobàka Borne
![When we PRAY for others, GOD listens to us and blesses them.
So when you are safe and happy, remember that someone is praying for you
[ Prayer and Happiness ] - Christian thought the happiness, M.F. Garnier illustration in Methode Boscher, Ratsimbazafy Ravo Nomenjanahary webmaster of Christian thought](../Gif/Methode_Boscher_MF_Garnier_1.jpg)
Jeanne & jean - Girls & Boys - Hachette, Editor
M.F. Garnier illustration in Méthode Boscher 1958
The art of being happy lies in the power
of extracting happiness from common things
( Henry Ward Beecher )
People see the happiness of the others,
but they don't know their own happiness
( Pierre Daninos )
If you search alot of money to be happy,
you are a poor man
( Yvan Rheault )
The happiness is to see what do you have done,
not to see what do you have to do
Sin breaks happiness
( Ravo the webmaster )
HAPPINESS is a treasure ( be happy in your life )
One of the most precious that man knows ; Because it's more important than a lot of gold. Happiness is more important than richness
You can have Glad Spirit = HAPPINESS without money. You can have it everywhere, you can have it everytime, It doesn't depend on a person. Only Jesus can give you true and lasting HAPPINESS ! And if there is anxiety everywhere, Those who have Glad Spirit = HAPPINESS continue singing
( Centrale Internationale du Disque Evangélique ) - ( Roth Captain, Switzerland )
Send me the LOVE that is cool and pure like Your rain, which blesses the thirsty earth and fills the homely earthen jars. Send me the LOVE that would soak down into the center of being, and from there would spread like the unseen sap through the branching tree of life, giving birth to fruits and flowers.
Send me the LOVE that keeps the heart still with the fullness of peace.
( Rabindranath Tagore's prayer in The heart of God )
Barberin & Rémi - from Yann Dégruel & Hector Malot - Javier read the Bible in Courageous film |
Happiness is the spiritual experience
of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude ( Denis Waitley )
Those who are happy can spread happiness around them ( Paulo Coelho )
There is only one happiness in life : to love and be loved ( George Sand )
Valérie & Daniel - a childhood souvenir
Pierrette & Jenny - Madagascar |

The only happiness that you can have
comes from the happiness that you give
( Edouard Pailleron )
External happiness is luck,
but internal happiness, you have to build it yourself
( Johann Kaspar Lavater )
It is not how much we have,
But how much we enjoy,
that makes happiness
( Charles Spurgeon )
Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory
( Albert Schweitzer )
Pleasure is happiness of mad people,
happiness is pleasure of wise people
( Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly )

Humor section about ... Happiness
1- Two children discuss :
- I dream to get 5 millions euros per month like my father !
- !!! Do your father get 5 millions euros per month ???
- No ! He dreams to get it too
2- Sometimes people forget to take out suppository plastic wrapper. An old lady was very happy to say to her doctor : « I like your suppository. It's profitable to use it. I use the same suppository after these 10 days of medicinal treatment ... »
3- Listen to me my baby ! If you are a good girl, you will go to heaven !
But if you are a bad girl, you will go to hell !
- And what should I be to go to the circus Mam ?
4- Life is short, smile while you still have teeth
5- People are unhappy when they get something too easily. They have to sweat
[ Dany Laferrière ]
6- Happiness is the interval between periods of unhappiness
[ Don Marquis ]

The most important is to be sure
to have eternal life
RATSIMBAZAFY Ravo Nomenjanahary
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