- A continuous TRUST : don't be worry -
Trust quotations and sayings
A cyclone can not root up a tree with strong roots
( Malaysian proverb )
I trust in the sun,
even if it doesn't shine
I trust in love,
even if I don't feel it
I trust in God,
even if He keeps silence
( found on a wall of a concentration camp )
Without Communication there is no Relationship ;
Without Respect there is no Love ;
Without Trust there is no reason to continue
Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God
( Corie ten Boom )
Don't rush.
Just trust in GOD's timing.
Remember that somewhere
someone is praying for you !
This is what the Sovereign Lord says :
« In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strengh ... »
( Isaiah 30 : 15 )
... We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end
the confidence we had at the beginning
( Hebrews 3 : 14 )
![Just trust Me [ Jesus Christ ]
But I love it GOD [ the little girl ] Trust quotes ad quotations, Christian Thought, Pensée Chrétienne, webmaster Ravo.Madagascar, Ratsimbazafy Ravo Nomenjanahary](../madagascar_ravo_ftrav/trust_quote_2_christian_thought.jpg)
Water lilys always float even if flood comes
[ Sakalava, Madagascar proverb ]
Trust can become very expensive
especially if it's invested in the wrong person
Trust is like an eraser,
it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake
Trust is like a paper,
once it’s crumpled it can’t be perfect again
Trust in a relationship is very crucial
[ Alana Johnson ]
Never lie to someone who trusts you,
And never trust someone who lies to you
Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated.
Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned
Life without trust is a life in turmoil
[ M.K. Soni ]
Trust starts with truth and ends with truth
[ Santosh Kalwar ]
Don't worry about anything,
but in all your prayers ask God for what you need,
always asking Him with a thankful heart. And God's peace ...
will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus
( Philippians 4 : 6 - 7 )

1- The Lord will :
Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust ( Psalm 40 : 4a )
We have a lot of problems in our life, a lot of worries, a lot of deceptions, a lot of tests etc. To win these situations there is only one way ! The Trust in God our Lord !
To trust in God need humility and Faith :
To accept that all tests and all sufferings come from God who has control on every circumstance. So I've no reason to be afraid because I am a son of God and my Lord knows the future. Only the Lord's will has to command us - christians, neither anarchy nor democracy ( Pleased to the Lord 2012 and 2015 )
2- Prayer gives peace :
We don't need peaceful situation to rest. It depends especially on our soul. David, the king, was surrounded by ennemies, but he could write : « My soul finds rest in God alone » ( Psalm 62 : 1 )
Most of times, we are anxious and tense, because we don't take time to talk truly and calmly to the Lord. We don't take time to pray. To avoid fear & weakness, we have to put all things into God's kindness. It's a faith and confidence in God. This act becomes easy when we do regularly our prayer. This habit gives us a deep serenity. It's the proof to show us that we keep God's Word in our heart. How to taste the Lord's goodness without approaching Him ?
The evil continues his work, so we must too continue to pray. Let's learn to persevere in the entreaty ! ( The Good Seed 2005 )

Tintin, Haddock Captain & Snowy ( Hergé comics )
![[ Trust quotes & quotations ] the trust, Christian thought, Ravo.Madagascar 2018 picture of 4WD vehicle through the deep South part of Madagascar](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/fjkm_Madagascar_37.jpg)
In the deep South part of Madagascar : Ankazoabo Atsimo - Berenty Betsileo
Ravo.Madagascar 2018 pictures ©
3- Delivrance is from God :
God sees and knows the people's suffering. God doesn't ignore them and He wants to give us rescue. His people suffer from slavery. Did God use Moses'wisdom for rescuing His people ? No. He didn't want to use the « Pharaoh's daughter's son » but those who has been changed by Him during 40 years in the desert ; God used a poor shepherd who keeped his father-in-law sheeps ( Exodus 3 : 1 ). All the eldest sons of Egypt were died after God's judgement. How did Israelites'sons escape for this judgement ?
Just to hear God : to kill sheep, to take some of its blood and to put them on the sides and on the tops of the door-frames of their houses ( Exodus 12 : 5-8 ). The Israelites'way was stopped by the red sea whereas Pharaoh's chariots and army runed after them. It was not a problem :
Just they have to hear God again. God said to Moses : « Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground » ( Exodus 14 : 16 ). So the Israelites could go through the sea then after the waters flow back over the Egyptians and their horsemen who pursued the God's people.
How to fall down Jericho's big wall ?
Is it with using cunning, or using power or using treachery ? NO,
Always just to hear God : with making many marches around the city and blowing the trumpets ( Joshua 6 : 1-5 ). After this strange method was the delivrance ( The Good Seed 2002 )
![... But to trust GOD in the dark, that is ... Faith
[ C.H. Spurgeon ] - Christian thought Faith, christian faith, Christian thought, webmaster Ravo.Madagascar, Ratsimbazafy Ravo Nomenjanahary](../Gif/candle_animated_gif_3.gif)
Sony Tuckson, Buck Danny, Jerry Tumbler
![Give me the confidence
that belongs to life in death, to victory in defeat
[ Prayer of Rabindranath Tagore ] Buck Danny, Trust quotations and sayings, Christian thought](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/Music-sunset.jpg)
No reason to be afraid to know how high is the wall of Jericho
if they collapsed when the trumpets sounded ( Joshua 6 : 20 )
And no reason to be anxious to see how powerful are the storm & the cyclone
if Jesus is on the boat with us ( Matthew 14 : 30 - 31 ) |
Maybe it’s hard to forgive,
but to trust again is the hardest
The best proof of Love is Trust
To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved
[ George MacDonald ]
Trust is the building block of a relationship
If you don't trust, you hinder your ability to truly love the other
I don’t trust easily so when I tell you I trust you,
don’t make me regret it
Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication.
It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships
[ Stephen Covey ]
By disobedience,
sin covered up the whole world.
This is because of our lack of trust in God's Love. What a pity !
I think part of trusting GOD is looking to the future with excitement,
not worry and dread. We know that He is going to work out
everything for His good, and in that joy is found
[ Allison Marie ]
Here on earth, highest happiness
With God I have no anxiety
When Satan gives doubt,
If there is a violent storm,
If the night is so dark,
I always trust in God's Love
I believe in His promise,
God's Love never changes,
Until the end of my briefly life,
God will go everytime with me
( Centrale Internationale du Disque Evangélique )
[ Les Capitaines Roth ] |
MF Garnier's illustration
Boscher's Method |
![To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved
[ George MacDonald ] Liantsoa Jenny Ratsimbazafy, Rova Manjakamiadana, Antananarivo, Madagascar, Trust quotes and sayings, a continuous trust without turmoil, Christian thought, webmaster Ravo.Madagascar, Ratsimbazafy Ravo Nomenjanahary](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/Rova_Madagascar_Ravo_GM.jpg)
Morondava beach : Bako & Hanitra
Clara Pastor, Anjomà Nandihizana
Liantsoa Jenny, Rova, Madagascar
I trust you !
That's huge. That's truth. That's real love.
Everyone uses 'I love you' so loosely
[ Justin Chatwin ]
Confidence is not based on you having ...
Confidence is based upon the truth that GOD is faithful
Trust is the fruit of relationship
in which you know you are loved
[ William Paul Young ]
When trust account is high,
communication is easy, instant, and effective
[ Stephen R. Covey ]
Trust takes years to build,
seconds to break, and
forever to repair
The more you believe and trust GOD,
the more limitless your possibilities become
for your family, for your career, for your life !
[ Rick Warren ]
When you are really believing, when you are in Peace,
you are showing GOD by your actions that you trust Him
[ Joel Osteen ]
is the ability to stay calm and accept a delay or something annoying without complaining [ Oxford Advanced Genie ]
is the ability to live trouble and very intense trouble without worry, without anxiety and with courage. Patience is to accept without complaining the sufferings and the painful event or the very intense painful event that GOD permits in our life.
« You have heard of Job's patience, and you know how THE LORD provided for him in the end. For THE LORD is full of mercy and compassion » [ James 5 : 11 ]

Adventure in Bongolava massif, Madagascar
Ravo.Madagascar's pictures © July 2014
RATSIMBAZAFY Ravo Nomenjanahary
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