- Reflections on Life ; It's necessary to live happy -
If GOD doesn't fix the situation,
He's using the situation to fix you
( in reference on Coronavirus Covid-19 event )
![Teach us to number our days aright,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom
[ Moses's prayer in Psalm 90 : 12 ] Reflections on Life, It's necessary to live happy - Christian thought](../Gif/cat_felix.gif)
Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom
( Moses's prayer in Psalm 90 : 12
Human being's life is short, God's life is eternal )
When our thought is negative
we see problems everywhere !
When our thought is positive
we find always solutions !
Our power is not to know how
the future will be but to know
who the God of this future is
( Leroy Koopman )
Only the existence of a God can explain the order of the universe ( Leibniz )
Even if men don't believe in God,
God always exists
( Graham Greene )
Jesus exists !
The paradise exists !
The hell exists !!!
But we are not made for the hell
( Charles Talingano )
Take care about the glamour of Satan :
The glamour will go away but Satan will
stay at home ( Gabriel Chevalier )
Begin each day with optimism
And end each day with forgiveness
( Doe Zantamata )
Think all you speak, but never speak all you think
Sufferings and Trouble
GOD in Jesus, is coming to the world not to cancel sufferings and trouble ; He is coming too to the world not to explain sufferings and trouble ; He is coming to the world to fill them with His presence [ The Good Seed 2020 ]
For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven :
A time to be born, and a time to die ;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted ;
A time to kill, and a time to heal ;
A time to break down, and a time to build up ;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh ;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance ;
A time to throw away stones,
and a time to gather stones together ;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing ;
A time to seek, and a time to lose ;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away ;
A time to tear, and a time to sew ;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak ;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace
( Ecclesiastes 3 : 1-8 )

Pictures up : Liantsoa Jenny, Ravo & Pierre-Sergent ( Makay ) |
Madagascar : the Pangalanes Canal, my brother Ramy & me, brown lemur at the famous Tsingy
Always Madagascar : Vezo dug-out canoe, West coast, Quartz
Don't say that you are too bad,
The CHRIST has come because you are bad ;
Don't say that you feel very sad,
The CHRIST has come because you feel sad ;
Don't say that your trouble is too big & too bitter,
nothing is too big for GOD
Remember your Creator in the days of your youth,
before the days of trouble come and the years approach
when you will say : « I find no pleasure in them » ...
Be happy, young man, while you are young,
and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth.
Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see,
but know that for all these things, God will bring you to judgment
( Ecclesiastes 12 : 1 & 11 : 9 )
![[ Blaise Pascal ] - Christian thought Blaise Pascal, Reflections on Life, It s necessary to live happy, Christian thought, Webmaster Ravo.Madagascar](../madagascar_ravo_ftrav/PhPascal.jpg)

Jeux interdits movie's of René Clément 1953
You can't buy everything with ... MONEY :
You can buy pleasure ... not love ;
You can buy spectacle ... not joy ;
You can buy slave ... not friend ;
You can buy a woman ... not a wife ;
You can buy food ... not appetite ;
You can buy medicine ... not health ;
You can buy books ... not intelligence ;
You can buy drug ... not peace ;
You can buy the whole earth ... not the sky ; |
![You can buy a place at the cemetery ...
Not your place in the paradise
[ Christian Thought ] Reflections on Life, It s necessary to live happy, Christian thought](../madagascar_ravo_ftrav/Dollar%201.jpg)
![Human destiny is not written in the sky but in God's plan
[ Lothar Gassmann ] Reflections on Life, It s necessary to live happy, Christian thought, Webmaster Ravo.Madagascar](../Gif/le_monde_3.gif)
Astrology and superstition :
Astrology confuses the Creator and what He has created.
« They exchange the truth about God for a lie ; they worship and serve what God has created instead of the Creator himself, who is to be praised for ever ! Amen » ( Romans 1 : 25 ).
People consult the cosmos to learn about human being instead of to trust in God's word and in God's will. Astrology is a superstition in spite of its scientific appearance. What it says are false, just they are true sometimes by chance. What it says are just probable and are dictated by Satan.
![Human destiny is not written in the sky but in God's plan
[ Lothar Gassmann ] Reflections on Life, It's necessary to live happy - Christian thought](../Gif/satellite_pensee_chretienne.gif)
The Bible says us that stars and planets are not gods which can influence on somebody and on the earth life ; stars and planets are just light. God has created them to give light on the earth and to mark seasons, but they have not power by themselves ( Genesis 1 : 14 - 18 ; Isaiah 47 : 13 - 15 ) or too Jeremiah 10 : 2 : « This is what the Lord says : Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them ». These are demons' power which work when people believe in astrology and in horoscope.
Human destiny is not written in the sky through the position of the stars but it's written in God's plan ( Lothar Gassmann in « Esoterik als Lebenshilfe ? » Verlag für Reformatorische Erneuerung )
Why the windscreen is big and the rear-view mirror is little ?
Because your future is more important than your past ;
so look at the future, and keep one eye on your past
to avoid to commit again the same mistakes
Life is short, don't make it shorter
Don't underestimate what GOD is doing
in your season of waiting
Stop stressing !
Don't spend all of your time just waiting for the weekend to come.
Enjoy each day and every day because it is all a blessing
![... but you can learn to surf [ Joseph Goldstein ] Reflections on Life, It s necessary to live happy](../madagascar_ravo_ftrav/surfing_2.jpg)
Even caterpillars who yearn to fly
must learn patience
[ Gail Lynne Goodwin ]
What's happening outside of you is irrelevant
compared to what's happening inside
[ Gail Lynne Goodwin ]
Adversity provides the opportunity
for the best of us to shine
[ Gail Lynne Goodwin ]
There is one thing that God says to every believer
regardless of their circumstances :
« Trust ME »
I have scaled the peak and found no shelter
in fame's bleak and barren height
Lead me, my Guide ( The almighty God ),
before the light fades, into the valley of quiet
where life's harvest mellows into golden wisdom
[ Rabindranath Tagore's Prayer ]
![At the one side there is the total darkness
And at the other side, there is only ... hope
[ Galadriel at The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien ] JRR Tolkien - Reflections on life, Christian thought](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/seigneur_des_anneaux_sauron_1.jpg)
Sauron in Osgiliath ready to destroy Minas Tirith
If you think you are too small to make a difference,
try sleeping with a mosquito
[ Dalaï Lama ]
Happy moments :
Praise GOD !
Difficult moments :
Seek GOD !
Quiet moments :
Worship GOD !
Painful moments :
Trust GOD !
Every moment :
Thank GOD !

Satan went to the temple, he arrived earlier.
- Where do you go Satan ?
- I go to the temple ; I go there to defend myself !
- To defend yourself ? But how do you do to defend yourself in a place where everybody hates you ?
- Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! I've a lot of ways. For example, early in the mornnig I make something which is unexpected. Just little thing such as unexpected guest for lunch ; a flu so people decide to rest in bed ... I see that it's so easy : just an unexpected broken lace ; a suddenly lost button ; the milk which is poured down on the ground ; the cat which becomes suddenly ill ; a broken vehicle just before starting ; out of gas for oven ; and so one ... So people decide to don't go to temple ! And if they decide to go, they go but in a very bad mood so they can not profit from sermon.
- In the temple ( at the beginning, at the middle and at the end ) I work to make people not concentrated. It's so easy too : just two or three people who don't stop talking during the ceremony. So other people can not really pray. Often too, some people arrive in late at the ceremony. There are two advantages for me : these people will not concentrated and they disturb all the others christians during the first 15 minutes ; oh it's funny !

Fortunate are people that God has given more brain than heart ( such as Pascal Blaise ) because a heart is fragile, very fragile. Jesus-Christ too had both : a brain and a heart. When his heart was injured, his head was strong. Some people or most of people live only with their heart.
I had gone a-begging from door to door in the village path, when Your golden chariot appeared in the distance like a gorgeous dream, and I wondered who was this King of all kings ! My hopes rose high, and I thought my evil days were at an end. I stood waiting for alms to be given unasked and for wealth to be scattered on all sides in the dust.
The chariot stopped where I stood. Your glance fell on me, and You came down with a smile. I felt that the luck of my life had come at last. Then all of a sudden You held out Your right hand, saying, « What have you to give me ? ». Ah, what a kingly jest was it to open Your palm to a beggar to beg ! I was confused and stood undecided, and then from my wallet I slowly took out THE LEAST LITTLE GRAIN OF CORN and gave it to You.
How great was my surprise when at the day's end, I emptied my bag on the floor only to find a LITTLE LEAST GRAIN OF GOLD among the poor heap ! I bitterly wept and wished that I had the heart to give You my all. [ Rabindranath Tagore - Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 ]
![The hell exists, but we are not made for the hell
[ Charles Talingano ] Christian thought Logo Christian thought, Reflections on Life, It s necessary to live happy](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/Logo%20RPJ%20pm.jpg)
The most important is to be sure
to have eternal life
RATSIMBAZAFY Ravo Nomenjanahary
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