- Christian Thought -
Feeling communion with God
![Hold my hand O God
Deliver me from despair
[ Rabindranath Tagore ] Rabindranath Tagore, Noble Prize for Literature, prayers of, a Bengali poet and mystic](../Gif/Rabindranath_Tagore_noble_prize_literature_prayers_1.jpg) |
2023 evangelical mission in
As every year our evangelical group of the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar ( the FJKM ) does its mission and it was really wonderful this year 2023 because most of the participants or all of us were very satisfied of what we have done there.
More and more the love inside the group increases ; we were 140 people from Antananarivo, from Toamasina and from Alaotra-Chrome. And it’s the first time that we can put immediately after our mission a person there, a person like a leader to continue to preach the Good News about Jesus Christ and about his salvation. This person will work there ( in Bemahia ) as a priest and his name is Mr « Tolotra Randrianarivelo ».
NB :
If you want to sustain Tolotra you can help him and to send him directly money through MVola system at the 034 95 822 23 ( ++261 34 95 822 23 ) phone number.
in Rollover :
Fasten your belt and ...
discover MADAGASCAR !
The Priest Raïssa of Amboavory 2023 &
Logo of SA AFF
in Rollover :
Tolotra Randrianarivelo
The means of transport there : 'Kubota'
Our evangelical mission was in AMBOAVORY and in its all areas ( its not far from the biggest lake in Madagascar, near Alaotra lake in the area of Anorohoro, Tanambe and Andilamena ). The group was divided into 4 little groups :
- ‘Matthew’ s group in Amboavory and area
- ‘Mark’ s group in Antsiatsiaka and area
- ‘Luke’ s group in Tsimanitsaka and area and in Ambohidehilahy
- And ‘Jean’ s group in which I was in Bemahia and area
Bemahia village was very far from Amboavory ( about 25 Kms by foot from there with a very hard and very long climbing path ). We were 60 people in Bemahia and we have evangelised the villages of Ambodivoara, Amboara Be, Amboara Telo, Befoza and of course the fairly big village of Bemahia. We’ve done our mission in just 3 days because of lack of money in a poor country ( from 2023 July 13rd till July 15th ). We are poor but we have done our evangelical mission with great happiness !
The bike is the main means of transport
in Alaotra area
in Rollover :
Hanitra, Ravo, Tolotra, Lanto, Ianja
The bike is the main means of transport
in Alaotra area
in Rollover :
a zebus-cart, the Malagasy 4WD vehicle
But we have plant too some trees and the doctors inside our group of Bemahia have done a circumcision of 7 little boys. Then we have showed 2 evangelical movies in Malagasy language. Finally on July 15th in the morning there was a worshiping service at the FJKM church of Bemahia with the chief of the evangelical group in Alaotra-Chrome area ( Pastor Simon ) who has taught that : « when The almighty God chooses you, don’t minimize it ; the goal of God when He chooses a person is to bless this person, to show him-her his wonderful love ». And the end of this blessing is to have eternal life after you will leave this world of sorrow and of missions.
Everytime we do an evangelical mission like this too, the doctors inside the group give free consultation to the sick people in the areas and give too free drugs to these people. Each church contributes for the drugs. The 4 groups above have their own doctor to accomplish this mission. And in Bemahia village it was Dr Mandimby from the church of Betafo Fanavaozana Ambohimanarina FJKM ( the picture below, the man in blue at the right ).
The very rich people and the very high civil cervants of Amboavory big village too were evangelised by some people from the 'Matthew-group'. This is just an example of an EVANGELICAL MISSION in a poor country such as Madagascar. To God only be the glory for ever and ever and since the beginning, Amen.
Jesus the Son of God has told us in Matthew 24. 35 :
« Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away »
![The beginning of wisdom is acknowledging
that a higher power is at work in our lives
[ Christian Thought ] AFF evangelical mission, national Tafika Masina in Madagascar, Alaotra, Alaotra lake, Bemahia Amboavory a Sihanaka area](../Gif/Ravo_Madagascar_Alaotra_Sihanaka_ambiance.jpg)
Evangelical mission in Bemahia village, people were happy. Philibert ( Itaosy ) and Dr Mandimby ( Betafo )
in Rollover : the evangelical group of the AFF of Ankadifotsy FJKM : Ravo, Augustine, Bodo, Rojo, Noro
Hanitra, Lanto, Dina, Evà, Voahirana, Miarisoa - on the way to Amboavory Alaotra-Chrome
your spiritual life must not be static
but dynamic and in progress [ Pleased to the Lord 2020 ]
Buck Danny, Sony Tuckson & Jerry Tumbler
In Rollover : Laurent & Ravo in Makay area, Madagascar
![I just thank GOD
For all of the blessings
[ James Brown ] - Christian Thought Red Dust de Comanche, Hermann et Greg - Ratsimbazafy Ravo Nomenjanahary et Raharimanantsoa Pierrette, webmasters of Christian thought](../Gif/BD_Red_Dust_Pensee_chretienne.gif)
Red Dust ( Comanche )
In Rollover : Ravo & Pierrette
Webmaster of Christian thought
The Way
has told that there are many ways.
before to die has told that he didn't find the way.
But Jesus has told that :
« He is THE way » ( John 14 : 6a )
... I can not neglect a powerful and important message like this ...
[ Maharaj Rabindranath - ex-Gourou ]
... Accept me, Dear God ...
I have wandered in pursuit of voices that drew me,
yet led me nowhere.
Now let me sit in peace
and listen to Your words in the soul of my silence
Do not turn away Your face from my heart's dark secrets,
but burn them till they are alight with Your fire.
[ Prayers of Rabindranath Tagore
in The Heart of GOD - above and below ]
Give me ... the confidence that belongs
to life in death, to victory in defeat, ... !
If you didn't find God
is it a proof that God doesn't exist ?
Perhaps you have stopped just before to find Him ?
Such as a man who searches gold and becomes tired and gets discouraged
just at 5 cm of the seam. This man has just find not gold but mud and useless rocks
[ Walter M. Montano ] |

Yoko Tsuno & Lucky Luke
« The DESERT »
Remember how the LORD your GOD led you all the way in the desert these 40 years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands ( Deutoronomy 8-2 )
• The desert is,
an area of sufferings and troubles, the desert is a hostile area full of mortal dangers ( poisonous snakes, poisonous plants, scorpions, etc. ). The desert is a powerful image of tests and trials ; so for Christians :
• The desert is
a time of formation, of education, of training and not a time of punishment. The training to have enough patience, the training to break up our pride, the training which help us to do exactly what we have learnt by the Holy Bible.
• Through the desert,
People understand their limits and accept that they need God's help ( sometimes like a miracle, sometimes just by event and sudden event, etc. ).
• The desert is,
a time where christian learn that solutions come from The Almighty God. In the desert you ask yourself a lot of questions. In the desert you learn to trust on GOD. In the desert you know more about GOD ! about his wisdom, about his power, about his pardon, about his love.
• The desert is,
an ordinary step ( an ordinary stage ) in the life. It can be as long as GOD wants ! So the desert is an area ( a time ) of relief, of issue where people see GOD acts, where people see GOD work.
[ 2018 Pleased to the Lord ]
![It's important to be where God wants us to be ;
Because there we can bear fruit
[ Eliane Boulingrin Colard ]
Christian thought to bear fruit, Christian thought](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/Ravo_sud_de_Madagascar_Anakao.jpg)
Anakao, in the deep South of Madagascar - Ravo.Madagascar © |

Ravo.Madagascar, the webmaster of this web site in Andatabo, in the South of Madagascar
A very basic hut in Aranta-Mahajanga, in the North-West of Madagascar - Ravo 2014 ©
Zébus-cart in Ifaty, in the South of Madagascar - Ravo.Madagascar 2019 picture ©
The dancing-lemurs in Kirindy forest, in the West of Madagascar - Ravo picture ©
Evangelical Mission of the AFF in ANTANIMBARIBE - KANDREHO
In the North-West area of Madagascar
From 2018 July 18th till July 23rd
GOD thanks because if there were 18 listed persons to do the mission at the beginning, just 3 days before departure we were 31 listed persons. Plus 2 people from the Central AFF ( Fano Pastor and Miss Evà for the logistic support ). That means we were a total of 33 people to go there.
Tuesday July 17th :
Most of us have slept at the Central office of the Central AFF, at FJKM Analakely building.
PS :
The pictures are taken by a FUJI FinePix S4300 camera ; and I've taken all the pictures ( except when my face is on the picture ; some of that are self-timer's pictures ).
Wednesday July 18th :
We've started at 4.30 a.m. instead of 3.00 a.m. as previously. We arrived in ANTAFIA around 10.30 a.m. ( 15 Km before Maevatanana town - see the map below- from ANTAFIA we have to change our bus into two 4WD vehicles -two Toyota Land Cruiser II- and before that we have to take a typical motorboat to cross Ikopa river ). From ANTAFIA to KANDREHO, the path is very bad ( one of the worst path in Madagascar ). We have started from ANTAFIA at 1.00 p.m. One of the car arrived in KANDREHO at ... 9.00 p.m. !! And the secund car, the car where I was ( me, my friend Augustine from the church FJKM Ankadifotsy, and all the high staff of the organization : Fano Pastor, Miss Evà, the Doctor who will take care or the poor people there, and the women who will prepare the food of the group ) ; our car arrived there at ... 2.00 a.m. !!! !!! !!! Why ? Because we have had light problem. And it was not easy to drive at night ( without any light except of the stars in the sky ) through a very bad path. Note that we've driven by night in a not safe area because of Dahalo. After that we have slept just for ... two hours and half.
Let's talk first about DAHALO
Are bandits people. They attack travelers and villages. Sometimes they attack towns and little towns and always by guns and by spears. Most of the areas far from big towns in Madagascar have Dahalo ; such as in Makay massif and Beroroha little town below. But GOD, The almighty GOD tells us :
« I, The Lord, will keep you from all harm. I will watch over your life ; I will will watch over your coming and going both now and for evermore [ Psalm 121 : 7 - 8 ] ».
I've experienced this God's words a lot of times. For example, a true story, November 2012, I was in Makay, a very isolated areas in the middle-south of Madagascar. But an area with a very wonderful landscapes. I was there with a woman German tourist ( because I am a Madagascar Professional Tour Guide ). Because of some reasons, we have had to travel by night, and ... by foot on going there and ... by zebus-cart on coming back. By foot -by walk- first during one full day walking with an arriving there ( in MAKAY ; at the village of Beronono ) around ... midnight. Because our 4WD vehicle was break down ( so we've left the car and its driver in Beroroha little town ) and because of the very high insecurity of this area, we've found no zebus-cart on going there. Zebu is an ox with a hump at its back. We have walked through savannah, through dry forest, through little but strong river in the dark with just only the stars in the sky ( there was no moon light when we were there ; so we have walked through a completely dark area during many hours ). When we back from MAKAY, we have had a lot of rains during our travel always by night ( that means on our zebus-cart ; because we've finally found zebus-cart on the way back, GOD thanks ). We've had just one little lamp and it was forbidden to use the lamp and to use any light because of the not safe area. But GOD has protected us during ALL our stay there. Below are some pictures about this true story before to talk again about my « Evangelical Mission in Antanimbaribe-Kandreho ». On the way ( by walk to go there and by zebus-cart to go back ), we were just few persons : my nephew as our cook, our local guide Pierre ( Sergent ), the German woman tourist, me and 4 or 5 porters. During my walk through MAKAY area, I've met a group of Dahalo with guns and spears and a lot of smoked meat, they were 9 persons. All of our porters were very afraid. I've seen it into their eyes. Pierre ( Sergent ) our local guide and me have spoken to them ( to the Dahalo ) less than one minute. Pierre ( Sergent ) was a soldier a long time ago. He is a Bara man ( from Bara tribe ; the tribe who lives in this area : MAKAY, Beroroha, Isalo, Ihosy, Ankazoabo Atsimo, Berenty-Betsileo, etc. ). And he is one of the body guard of one of our President of the Republic of Madagascar ( the admiral Didier Ratsiraka ; during the socialism-communism period ). Pierre was a member of the terrific RESEP body guard of 1980 ( RESEP means 'REgiment de la SEcurité Présidentielle ), a terror during the socialism-communism period. As for me, I am just a ... christian ( who believe in GOD's protection ).

Madagascar : Makay massif, an adventure trip, a wonderful hiking tour
![The LORD is with me ; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me ?
[ Psalm 118 : 6 ] and [ Hebrew 13 : 6 ] Makay area, Bara village and Dahalo, Ravo.Madagascar 2012 picture, Ravo.Madagascar webmaster of Christian thought](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/Makay_Ravo_Madagascar_g.jpg)
Makay area : one of the zebus-cart that we have used
Makay area : one of the Bara-village in our way
Ravo.Madagascar 2012 pictures ©
Thursday July 19th :
Let's continue my Evangelical Mission above.
We've started our full day walking from
KANDREHO till ANTANIMBARIBE after just 2 hours and half of sleeping.
33 people plus many christians from KANDREHO FJKM church, including their Pastor : Mr Tsiry. Such as the true story above ( Makay massif and Beroroha ), because of very high insecurity, we've found no zebus-cart to carry our heavy and many luggages. In Antananarivo, they have promised us that we will have zebus-carts. So, finally, we have decided to leave the most of our luggages in KANDREHO. Instead of that bad situation, there was one little flat boat which can follow the Mahavavy river to carry some of our luggages. So we've started our walking at 9 a.m. For example, about our luggages ; about my luggage, I have decided to leave in KANDREHO my sleeping-bag ( I've taken just a simple sheet ), idem for my jacket ( I've taken just few tee-shirts ), idem for some New-Testament-s that I've planned to give there ( I've just taken my Holy Bible ), etc. … Everybody have to do the same because the way ( the walk ) is long, about 36 Km and it was not sure to find porters when we will come back to KANDREHO.

We have to cross Ikopa river : Augustine, Yolande, Ravo
Our 4WD vehicles : the green one and the grey one
'FJKM Kandreho Fihavaozana church'
As described above, the area was not safe, because of that, the owners of zebus-carts were afraid to use their zebus-carts. They have prefered to stay in KANDREHO. So we have decided to leave more than the half of our bags in KANDREHO. God thanks, we have found porters on our way back few days later. We can not use the same flat boat on the way back because of the river : it's very hard with a boat without motor to go against the direction of the river. It's impossible to use a motor boat on this river because it's not deep. We were 26 people to go walking and 7 of us have decided to take the flat boat because they were not strong for long and hard walk. All the 7 persons were women. We've thought that the boat will arrive in ANTANIMBARIBE before us. Everybody ( the 26 people and the 7 persons plus the christians from KANDREHO ) have started together at 9.00 a.m. For us, it was about 7 hours walking, that means we arrived there at 4.30 p.m. We've crossed Mahavavy river four times ( the same river four times because it's a curved river, not straight ). Because of that and because of the river was not deep, we arrived in ANTANIMBARIBE before the flat boat. We've waited the boat, we've waited the boat, but the boat did not arrive !
So we have decided to organize the Mission. 4 persons were chosen to be the chiefs. Tsiry Pastor ( Pastor of FJKM Kandreho church ), Fano Pastor ( from the Central AFF ), Mr Daniel ( from FJKM Andrainarivo church ) and me : Ravo ( from FJKM Ankadifotsy church ). There was another chief : Mrs Nivo ( from FJKM Ambohimalaza church ), but she was not there, she was still on the flat boat.
The chiefs of these 3 groups were Mr Daniel, me and Mr Roger ( from FJKM Imerintsiatosika church ). The 1st Group ( Roger was their chief ) will do the surroundings of ANTANIMBARIBE. And the 2nd Group ( their chief was me ) and the 3rd Group ( Daniel was their chief ) will do the fairly far and the far areas and villages. FJKM Ankadifotsy church was in the 2nd Group. And we have organized everythings such as the mass to worship GOD on next Sunday and all things before that date. We've put the 7 women on the boat into the 1st Group because they are not strong. We've organized who will do the mass to worship GOD every morning and who will do it every evening ? We've done the list of all villages which will be visited. It was finished when it was around 7.00 p.m. No news about the flat boat.
Even if there were gossiping and slanders as usual in Madagascar, OUR COMMUNITY WAS VERY GOOD ; it was better than two years ago ( in BENENITRA in 2016 ), and it was largely better than 3 years ago ( in BEROROHA in 2015 where there were big quarrel and deep disagreement because of no respect between every one ). I don't know how was last year in 2017 because I did'nt do the Evangelical Mission of 2017. But our experiences and test from The LORD in 2018 were harder and more numerous than those in Benenitra and than those in Beroroha. We've finished to eat our dinner at 9.00 p.m. No news about the flat boat. So we've decided to go to sleep. And because the flat boat didn't arrive till this time, no body had their luggages. That means no one had their Holy Bible, no one had their sheet and blanket, no one had their warm cloth, no one had their toilet paper, no one had their soap-and-towel, no one had their torch and light. ALL of these things were on the flat boat. So every one have gone to sleep in the dark and through the very cold night. Because in an area like ANTANIMBARIBE ( a very isolate area ), there is no mattress. No sheet, no blanket, no warm cloth !! The night was very very cold ( test from our LORD THE GOD ALMIGHTY ).
Antanimbaribe has no grocery, no shop, no store. That means you can not find soap, no cigarette-lighter, no candle, no toilet paper, no cloth, no teeth-brush, no teeth-paste, no torch. It's rare in Madagascar that a whole area has no grocery. It's the first time that I've seen that situation ! No shop there, just peasants and farmers. No office too.

From Kandreho to Antanimbaribe, you have to walk ... 36 Km
And you have to cross by foot the Mahavavy river four times
Friday July 20th :
Because of the very cold night, I wake up at 4.00 a.m. and I've decided to talk with the people of ANTANIMBARIBE near the fire ; they prepared our Malagasy breakfast ( always soft rice with green leaves or with white beans or with zebu meat or with eggs ). The other christians from Antananarivo wake up only at 6.00 a.m. It was still dark before 6.00 a.m. To take shower, you have to walk more than 15 mn go to the Mahavavy river and there was no WC ; you have to do it on the grass behind bushes ( or to do it in the sandy bank of the Mahavavy river that means after walking for 30 mn go and back too ). The name of this system is -Jangoany- a Sakalava word. That means you can walk on a very dirty poo every morning or every day. We have slept at the office of the village which has 2 rooms : one for the women and one for the men. There was a school a little bit far from this Antanimbaribe-Kandreho office. A poor school without door and without window. With door and windows but without wood and without glass on them. And between the office and the school there were some very small huts made by reeds. The christians from KANDREHO FJKM church and the people from ANTANIMBARIBE who have prepared our food have slept in these very simple huts. Tsiry Pastor has slept there and I've decided to sleep there too during all the nights I've spent in ANTANIMBARIBE. I've slept near Tsiry Pastor. My thin mattress was on the boat during this first night, my sheet too. One man from KANDREHO FJKM church have carried two sheets, so he decided to give to me one. And I've experienced that their sheets are very thin and very short. That means you can not turn left or turn right when you sleep because the sheet is very short ; and you have to fold up your knees when you sleep always because the sheet is very short. Because of that the night was very very cold. But I thank GOD and I thank this man for his love. I've put my handkerchief on my ear to protect my ear from cold night. GOD thanks, I had cloth-handkerchief and not tissues ! No sleep that night ! Just I've closed my eyes to wait the morning day ! No sleep for me and I am sure : no sleep for the other people from Antananarivo.
Then we've taken our breakfast and we've begun to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour in the whole area. Always no news about the flat boat, no news about our 7 women colleagues. We have spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these following villages and areas : Andranogana, Bemololo, Tanandava-Ambalamanga ( for the first Group ). Mahavelo and Bemololo ( for the secund Group where I was ). And Antsatrabe which was the very far from where we stay for the third Group of Daniel ( 2h30 walking ; that means 5 hours walking go and back ). We have spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ for about 250 huts and houses or more.
The list of the 2nd GROUP ( 9 persons ) :
1- Ravo ( FJKM Ankadifotsy church ) – I was the chief of the 2nd Group
2- Mrs Augustine ( FJKM Ankadifotsy church )
3- Mr Simon ( FJKM Imerintsiatosika church )
4- Mrs Totoa Mé ( FJKM Imerintsiatosika church )
5- Mrs Totoa Lala ( FJKM Andrainarivo church ) – who was already with me in 2016 in Benenitra
6- Mrs Totoa Germaine ( FJKM Andrainarivo church )
7- Mrs Totoa Florentine ( FJKM Mahazoarivo church )
8- Mrs Totoa Lala ( FJKM Mahazoarivo church )
And the ninth person was our local guide : Mr Rapasy who lives in Ambalakida and who knows ALL the people in the whole area. Amazing. He knows ALL the people of the whole area. He has lost recently his zebus ( oxes ) ; the Dahalo have stolen his zebus it's why we have had no zebus-cart. Mr Rapasy our local guide was very gentle. We've loved him very much !!! And he and his family was the only family who continues to pray to The Almighty GOD in the whole area. Unfortunately he had no Holy Bible and he had no New Testament. I think at the end, one of us has given to him a Holy Bible. The FJKM Imerintsiatosika church has carried one box full of New Testament-s but they were on ... the flat boat. And till this time we've continue to wait the flat boat. The people there didn't know who is Jesus Christ before we arrived there. And there is no church in the whole and large area of ANTANIMBARIBE ; not only there is no protestant church, but no catholic church, no presbyterian church, no sect church, no mosque. The whole area is not safe because of the Dahalo ; and people like very much to drink strong alcohol and of course to do sexual immorality ; adultery is very high too.

The villages which we have visited was like this - Bara villages and Sakalava villages
During our walking back, we have taken porters - Here the sky is very dark, very cloudy
There was no church. There was just one little school but not enough teachers. There was a basic hospital but no doctor and no nurse. There was no shop, no grocery, no store. That means you can buy nothing, you can find nothing ( no coca cola, no beer, no spring water, no juice, no tea, no coffee, no sugar, no salt, no oil, no soap, no toilet paper, ... THERE IS NOTHING THERE ). They have told us this situation before our departure from KANDREHO ( not when we were in Antananarivo ). And the whole area is not safe because of Dahalo. Some chiefs of villages and some officers in the army take a lot of money from the bandits ( from the Dahalo ; that means they practice corruption ). So the Dahalo continue their wicked acts to steal, to destroy, to rape and to kill. It's very dangerous to walk or to drive at night there, but unfortunately some of us arrived in KANDREHO at 9.00 p.m. on the first night and some of us ( like me and Mrs Augustine ) arrived there with our 4WD grey Toyota Land Cruiser II at ... 2.00 a.m. in the very early morning through not safe area !!! This is the life, an example of life at very isolate area far from big towns in Madagascar. All the areas, all the isolate villages are similar. This is ... MADAGASCAR !
We have finished our dinner, and we have finished the evening worship, and we have finished too the feedback of our day-evangelical-mission. Finally, the flat boat arrived at 8.00 p.m. We have to walk 3 Km go and back through the sand river bank to take the luggages of the group. Always in the dark, without light. Because you have no hand to hold our torch because the luggages were very heavy. Why ? Because all the women have stayed at the camp, only the men have walked in the night. So the men have to carry both the luggages of the men and the luggages of the women. It's why no hand to hold our torch. Except for those who had headlamp. All our luggages were there, but few of them, such as mine, were very wet because they have fall down from the boat into the river during the trip of the boat. I don't know why ? I never ask to them. So during my secund night in ANTANIMBARIBE, I could not to sleep well again ; my sheet was wet, all my clothes except those that I've weared at the moment were wet. ALL my things were wet : my headlamp, the mosquitos-coils, my toilet papers ( I have to put them in the rubbish after that ), and my ... ID card. But it was amazing : only my Holy Bible was intact ( only my Holy Bible was not wet ). And ALL of these things were not protected by a plastic bag. It's a true story without explanation. Just another miracle in my life. On Saturday morning ( see below ), I put ALL these things outside under the sun to dry them, except ... my Holy Bible that I have used immediately. My headlamp didn't work after that, it was completely break down. Idem for my cell phone ! Even if there was no service in ANTANIMBARIBE.
Saturday July 21st :
We had continue to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour in the whole area.
We have done this in MAHAVELO village. First of all in AMBALAKAZAHA village. We had teach some evangelical-child-songs to the children ( such as the famous song : Jesus loves us ... etc. … ). Most of them were very interested about Jesus Christ The Son of GOD, especially the children. In MAHAVELO, there was a crowd because of a big event on that day. All the people in the whole area were there for the feast. Some zebus ( oxes ) were killed for that big event. And most of the men and some women were drunk ( it was in the morning, largely before midday ). Some young people were dancing. The old men and respected men of the village have given us the authorization to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the limit of the main village, under a big mango tree, not far from the place of the feast. WE HAVE ACCOMPLISHED OUR MISSION. Some of these young people are Dahalo, some believed in Jesus Christ, some not believed, some have heared us but it's sure that they will forgot all few times later. Our Group have had a little time ( about 10 mn ? ) of rest after to spread the Gospel, so I've visited the main village through the drunk men and through the drunk women ; and I've taken some pictures such as the picture below where you can see Dahalo men with their gun and with their alcohol drink. After that, my colleagues were very afraid so they have decided to leave this place ( MAHAVELO main village ) as soon as possible and to walk very quickly to run away. Why ? Perhaps the Holy Spirit of The Almighty GOD had told them to leave immediately the place ? I don't know. It's possible. Some have the Holy Spirit of GOD to feel the danger, some have the skill to take pictures through danger. As the Holy Scriptures say :
« There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served. There are different abilities to perform service, but the same GOD gives ability to all for their particular service » [ 1 Corinthians 12 : 4 - 5 - 6 ]
We have decided to cancel THE CAMP-FIRE with songs and praise at night because the area was not safe. To avoid that the people have to walk back to their home at night through unsafe area of Dahalo. Usually we do THE CAMP-FIRE the last night before the end o the mission ( that means before Sunday, the day of The LORD ). Instead of that, in the afternoon of Saturday 21st, we've given many instructions and many advice on how to pray, on how to maintain to praise The LORD in a family, on how to motivate children to pray, on how to motivate women to pray, and on how to motivate men including Dahalo to pray, etc. We have heard their problems. We have tried to propose them solutions. But Saturday too was for some of us the day to give to the people of ANTANIMBARIBE free medical consultations and to give them free medical drugs ( about 150 people have get these things ; about 150 ill people ). It was an usual 'good-community-action' that a special group of women, the Vehivavy Sakaizan'ny AFF ( that means THE WOMEN FRIENDS OF THE CENTRAL AFF ) do everytime they go with us.
So I invite you especially the churches and the FJKM churches ( but why not for each individual person too ? ) to give medical drugs to these VEHIVAVY SAKAIZAN NY AFF ( THE WOMEN FRIENDS OF THE CENTRAL AFF ) before an Evangelical Mission like this ( usually we go in July or in August every year -except in a year of Coronavirus such as in 2020- ). These medical drugs are very useful for poor and very poor people in these very isolated areas. Thanks a lot in advance for them. For that you can call Mrs Bako a member of these VEHIVAVY SAKAIZAN NY AFF, Tel. ++ 261 34 30 072 77 or ++ 261 32 57 970 24. And I invite you too especially the churches and the FJKM churches to give us A LOT OF MALAGASY HOLY BIBLE and 'Malagasy fihirana FFPM' to give it to them ( to poor and very poor people in these very isolated areas ). Thank you. For that you can contact the CENTRAL AFF or you can contact me : Ravo Tel. ++ 261 32 41 063 65 ( e-mail r_ravo@hotmail.com )
Note that just 3 women from the 7 women on the flat boat arrived on Friday July 20th at night ; the other 4 women arrived in ANTANIMBARIBE only in the morning of Saturday around 8.00 a.m. because they could not push the boat in the Mahavavy river so they didn't follow the river, they took little path through bush and through savannah and through hills and through valleys. And they were lost so they have to sleep in some villages at nights. Finally, they have walked more than us ( more than the main Group, the 26 persons who arrived there on Thursday July 19th ). The 3 women with the staff of the flat boat have to push the boat in not deep areas of the river. That means they have to push the boat a lot of times because the Mahavavy river was not straight too ( a lot of curves ). Most of times the flat boat have touched the sand. And every evening, they have to put all the luggages out of the boat in a village because of the unsafe area of Dahalo. And every morning again to put the luggages back on the flat boat. During one of these operations it was sure than some bags such as mine have fall down in the river.

I was the chief of the 2nd Group to spread the Gospel, here in Ambalakazaha
Then after that in Mahavelo where there were Dahalo ( picture in rollover )
The 3rd picture is the worship place on Sunday morning
Sunday July 22nd :
With the people in ANTANIMBARIBE, we've praised The LORD on the yard just in front of our camp site ( in front of the unique office where we have slept ). Then immediately after ( around 10.00 a.m. ) we've walked back to KANDREHO ; without zebus-cart and without ... flat boat ; but GOD thanks with some porters for those who could pay them. I've left our local guide Mr Rapasy with sadness. GOD bless him and his family and GOD bless the whole area of ANTANIMBARIBE and of KANDREHO including their Pastor ( Tsiry ).
Some of us ( those who have walked quickly ) arrived in KANDREHO FJKM church at 4.00 p.m. - Augustine and me ( because our colleagues have left us behind ) arrived there at 5.30 p.m. And the weak christians ( not physically strong, but strong in mind and spiritually strong ) arrived there at 7.30 p.m. that means at night !!! Tsiry Pastor ( Pastor of KANDREHO FJKM church ) was with them to support them and to help them in this fairly hard hiking. We've planned to leave KANDREHO in the very early morning of Monday at 3.00 a.m. but unfortunately we can leave this town only at 7.30 a.m. because of some reasons including some quarrels and disputes between us. Finally we have done the act of forgiveness before departure. Usually at the end of a Mission like this, there is similar situation because most of us are tired or very tired. And of course Satan use every opportunity to make trouble.
To help the people in ANTANIMBARIBE-KANDREHO if you can do that, thank you very much, is :
To give, to buy a MotorBike for the Pastor there ( Rabarijaona TSIRIniaina Pastor Tel. ++ 261 34 28 208 18 ) ; so he can visit and encourage the poor people in the whole area of ANTANIMBARIBE-KANDREHO. Then to give money or to give tools to build the church in ANTANIMBARIBE. To give money too to buy a lot of Holy Bible, or to give the Holy Bible ( Malagasy Holy Bible ) directly to them. Thanks a lot in advance ( you can be a church or just a person, thank you ).
The information above was written and put on line in 2020 by :
Ravo Ratsimbazafy Nomenjanahary, webmaster of Christian Thought and of Pensée Chrétienne.org
To GOD only the glory for ever and ever. Amen
![This information about our Evangelical Mission in Antanimbaribe-Kandreho
was written and put on line during the lockdown
Because of the Corona-virus Covid-19 of 2020
I've had no work that means no money during a year. But GOD thanks,
He was always near me to encourage me, to give me hope and
to give me food and peace and joy [ Ravo, webmaster of Christian Thought ] evangelical mission in Antanimbaribe-Kandreho Madagascar, with the AFF FJKM church, webmaster Ravo.Madagascar, Christian Thought](../Gif/Pensee_Chretienne_Je_loue.jpg)
Evangelical Mission of Ankadifotsy FJKM church in BERENTY-BETSILEO
In South Ankazoabo area in March 2018 and in August 2018
The first exploration of the land and the Mission after that
... THE LORD chose other persons ... and sent them out ... to go ahead of HIM to every town and place where HE Himself was about to go. HE said to them : There is a large harvest, but few workers to gather it in ; ... Go ! I am sending you like lambs among wolves ... Whenever you go into a house, first say, Peace be with this house ! ... Whoever listens to you listens to ME ; whoever rejects you rejects ME ; and whoever rejects ME rejects THE ONE who sent me !!! ... At that time JESUS was filled with joy by THE HOLY SPIRIT and said : FATHER, LORD of heaven and earth ! I thank YOU because YOU have shown to the unlearned what YOU have hidden from the wise and learned. Yes FATHER, this was how YOU wanted it to happen ... [ Luke 10 : all the verses till verse 24 ].
« At the end ... they returned from exploring the land . Report on the Exploration : They came back to Moses and Aaron and the whole Israelite community at Kadesh in the Desert of Paran. There they reported to them and to the whole assembly and showed them the fruit of the land ... [ Report on the Exploration of the land by Caleb, by Joshua and by their colleagues in Numbers 13 : 25 etc. ] »
Below is THE REPORT ON THE EXPLORATION of Berenty-Betsileo by me
January & February & March 2018 :
During a main reunion of the SPIA 19 ( a system of organization of the FJKM church in Madagascar ), this organization ( The SPIA 19 ) have designed our church Ankadifotsy FJKM to do an Evangelical Mission and to build a church in BERENTY-BETSILEO in the South part of Madagascar, in the area of ANKAZOABO ATSIMO. No one knows about BERENTY-BETSILEO at the first time ! I am a witness of that. No one knows ! My friends didn't now, our Pastor ( Ranjakavola Pastor ) didn't know, nobody knows where is BERENTY-BETSILEO. So I've decided to go and to ask about it at the Central AFF office, but there too, no one knows about BERENTY-BETSILEO. NO ONE ! I've talk to Triomphe Pastor who is one of the high chief of the Central AFF but he told me that he has never been there. He told me too that no body has never been there. So, together we have checked a Madagascar very big map. Triomphe Pastor told me that it's better to call the Pastor of Ankazoabo Atsimo FJKM church ( which is the nearest church from BERENTY-BETSILEO ). Unfortunately Triomphe Pastor had not the phone number of this Pastor. So together we have called the main chief of all the FJKM churches in the South area of Madagascar ( Toliara area ) to ask him to give us the phone number of the Pastor in ANKAZOABO ATSIMO and of course by the same occasion to give us his name.
If you see the map, from Sakaraha you leave the main road ( the RN7 ) to take the bad path to the North ; ANKAZOABO ATSIMO is 120 Km from there. 120 Km through Dahalo unsafe area. If you continue to go to North you arrive in BEROROHA ( 210 Km from Sakaraha but very bad path and very unsafe area ). If you continue always North, you arrive in MAKAY massif after about 50 Km. But to go to BERENTY-BETSILEO you have to go eastern of ANKAZOABO ATSIMO ( not so far in Kilometers ). We ( the AFF of Ankadifotsy FJKM church ) were already in Beroroha-Fanjakana in 2015 during another Evangelical Mission ( I was there too ). And I was in Beroroha-Makay just before that ( in 2012, see above ). So the people ( the tribe ) who live there are very similar of the people who live in BERENTY-BETSILEO, idem for the landscapes, idem for the situation and for the conditions, idem for the climate etc. So we have based our knowledge only on these similar information.
Few days later I've called the number phone of the Pastor of Ankazoabo Atsimo FJKM church ; his name is Vahatriniaina Pastor. Unfortunately he was never been in BERENTY-BETSILEO too. He knows NOTHING about Berenty-Betsileo. And when we ( Ankadifotsy FJKM church ) arrived there in 2018 March 14th, no one in the church of ANKAZOABO ATSIMO has never been in BERENTY-BETSILEO. Finally, nobody knows about BERENTY-BETSILEO. This mission was very difficult at the beginning. GOD has sent us ( Ankadifotsy FJKM church ) in an area where nobody knows !!! GOD has sent us there to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, The LORD and Saviour and to build His Holy church there. And He told us before departure : « Don't be afraid, don't be anxious, go there because I, The Almighty GOD will be with you ; I will bless you, I will protect you and I will guide you ; go in peace ! ». So I've talked for the first time to Vahatriniaina Pastor, I don't remember if it was in January or in February 2018 ?
From Sakaraha till Ankazoabo Atsimo, Berenty-Betsileo, Beroroha ; all of these regions are very unsafe areas. The solution ? To keep in mind the Words of The LORD above, and to select the persons who will go there, that means they must be full of faith, they must trust in GOD, frightened persons are not accepted, we need persons who are ready for eveythings and for every problems. 2° NOT ENOUGH WATER :
No problem about water in Sakaraha, no problem about water too in Ankazoabo Atsimo. But it's a problem and it can be a big problem in Berenty-Betsileo ; because when we were there, the Isahena river where people go to take shower, to wash their clothes and to take water for cooking, this river was very very shallow. The water was only at our ankle when we were there in March 2018. So if we plan to go back again in August or in September this water will be under the ankle. It will rain again there not before December. So we can carry with us containers, to fill these containers by water in Ankazoabo Atsimo. And for shower, to carry for ownself a very little spade and to dig in the sand of the dry river to find some water. To avoid to be thirsty too every one can carry with him-her a lot of candies. The experienced-people said that you can replace candies by just very small rock on the ground or on the sand. |
3° - 4° - 5° :
These are problems too, but not big problems as above :
NO PHONE SERVICE in the whole area of BERENTY-BETSILEO. The last service is in Ankazoabo Atsimo.
NO ELECTRICITY TOO in BERENTY-BETSILEO. So take with you candles and headlamps and batteries for that.
A bus can go till Ankazoabo Atsimo but not after this town. After Ankazoabo Atsimo we have to rent a big truck or a truck or small trucks. These cars can arrive till the little town of BERENTY-BETSILEO ( but only in dry season from March till November, impossible to go there in rainy season December-January-February )

We were 6 persons from Ankadifotsy FJKM church during the first exploration of the land :
Hery our chief, Ravo -me-, Claudie FKBM, Hajarizoely, Claudie VMM, Alain - 2nd picture :
FJKM Ankazoabo Atsimo church with Vahatriniaina Pastor, Claudie, Claudie, Ravo
3rd picture : Isahena river was very shallow when we were there
Tuesday 2018 March 13th :
We've started at 3.00 a.m. The road was very long ( the RN7 ) so we have taken lunch only at ... 4.00 p.m. in Ambalavao. Our car was a Y61 Nissan Patrol 4WD vehicle. Because of night and because of insecurity on the way ( on the RN7 ; because of Dahalo ), the army has stopped us in Ihosy and has asked us to not continue our way. But we have insisted to continue. 8.30 p.m. another soldiers have stopped us again in Ranohira-Isalo and they have asked us to not continue our way because of unsafe area at night. We have insisted again to continue but they said us no. So he have decided to spend night and to sleep in our car : a cold night with mosquitos and very uncomfortable. No bed, just the seats of the 4WD vehicle. We were 7 persons to sleep in the car : the driver and we 6 ( picture above ).
Wednesday 2018 March 14th :
We've continue again our way at 4.00 a.m. And we arrived in Sakaraha ( end of the well-kept road the RN7 for us ) at 5.45 a.m. The two Pastors have already waited us : Sitraka Pastor ( FJKM Sakaraha church ) and Vahatriniaina Pastor ( FJKM Ankazoabo Atsimo church ) whom I've called by phone few days ago. After to take breakfast at Sitraka Pastor home, we've continue our way to ANKAZOABO ATSIMO ; Vahatriniaina Pastor and his wife were our « local guides ». They've told us that it's usual to hear sound of guns in these areas, so if we hear one, we have not to be surprised. Sakaraha - Ankazoabo Atsimo is a 4 hours road trip. There are taxi-brousses every day. But not every day for Ankazoabo - Berenty. There are taxi-brousses only on market-day that means on Fridays for Ankazoabo to Berenty and on Sundays to go back from Berenty-Betsileo to Ankazoabo Atsimo. The main diseases in Ankazoabo Atsimo and in Berenty-Betsileo are MALARIA and 'BILHARZIOSE'.
So we've started from Sakaraha at 8.00 a.m. to arrive in Ankazoabo Atsimo at 1.00 p.m. The market-day in Ankazoabo Atsimo is every Friday and the market-day in Berenty-Betsileo is every Saturday. We've gone immediately at ANKAZOABO FJKM TSARAZARA church and we've slept at Vahatriniaina Pastor house. The christians there who have welcomed us were very happy and were very helpful. But when the Group ( that means our friends ) will arrive then, the house of Vahatriniaina Pastor is too small for a lot of persons, so we have to sleep at church and to eat at church. For Berenty-Betsileo and for the next Group, we don't know where to eat and where to sleep !!! Let's see.
![I said : Ah, Sovereign Lord, I don't know how to speak ...
But The Lord said to me : ... You must go to everyone I send you to
And say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them ...
For I am with you and I will rescue you, declares The Lord [ Jeremiah 1 : 6 - 8 ] evangelical mission in Berenty-Betsileo, Ankazoabo Atsimo area, south of Madagascar, with the Ankadifotsy FJKM church, webmaster Ravo.Madagascar, Christian Thought](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/fjkm_Madagascar_31.jpg)
The way is not safe, it's a way with a risk of Dahalo attack
A way with a lot of sandy path, it's why our motorbike was fall down many times
In the afternoon we've divided ourselves into 3 little groups :
1- Mr Hery FKBM and Mrs Claudie VMM
Will take care about all authorizations and about the administration procedure. They have to contact the Mayor etc.
2- Mr Alain VMM and Mrs Hajarizoely FKBM
Will ask about the tools to build the church and to ask all the details about that, the prices, the quality, the quantity, the skill persons there who can do the work, etc. To take all the information about that.
3- And me ( Ravo VMM ) and Mrs Claudie FKBM
Will see all other things such as to give to them the Holy Bible we've carried from Antananarivo. To see with the responsible persons in ANKAZOABO ATSIMO who can do what ? With them we've decided that one or two persons from them will go twice per month to BERENTY-BETSILEO to be as a leader of the next church, that means to teach the people there about The Bible and about Jesus Christ. They will go to Berenty-Betsileo on Fridays and they will go back to Ankazoabo Atsimo on Sundays.

Isahena river in Berenty Betsileo during the dry season
Ravo.Madagascar 2018 pictures ©
Thursday 2018 15 March 15th :
EVERY DAY at exactly 5.00 a.m. Ankazoabo Atsimo FJKM church do a morning-worship. And they are faithful for that. Perhaps we were tired ( we, the 6 persons from Ankadifotsy plus our driver ) ? Because we wake up a little bit later, we wake up that day at 4.45 a.m. So we have begun the day by this morning-worship, we were a total of 15 persons to do that ( we 7 people + 8 christians from Ankazoabo. We have begun the day by this morning-worship and only after that the shower and to go to toilets. No breakfast because we have to go in an area where nobody knows so no breakfast to avoid to lose time. We've started at 6.30 a.m. and we arrive in BERENTY-BETSILEO at 11.45 a.m. There were just few villages on the way, no car, no people, no zebu, no dog, just few crows. After to eat a quick pic-nic lunch ( just cookies and can-juices ) in the car, we've begun our main mission : the exploration of the little town of BERENTY-BETSILEO. A little town without restaurant, without electricity, without phone service.
We've used our car and one motorbike ( we were a total of 14 persons ; 2 persons with the motorbike : Mr Jean Pierre and me and ... 12 persons in the 4WD vehicle ). The path was sometimes sandy and just before to arrive in town we have to cross Isahena river. There were some little paths to go there and we've taken a wrong one, so our car had to stop about 1 Km before Berenty-Betsileo because of a deep water in our path ( see the left picture below ), then we have continued by foot from there. We didn't have a lot of time to visit and to contact the Mayor or his colleagues because we've planned to go back in the same day. But we have seen one of his colleagues, and he promised us that everythings will be OK, that the Mayor will have a reunion and that they will give us a land to build the church after their reunion. When we were there, there were no men in the town because most of them had pursue some Dahalo who have stolen a cattle of zebus in the very early morning. And the Pastor of ANKAZOABO ATSIMO FJKM church and some christians there have promised us too to be our contact there ( because Berenty-Betsileo is so far from Antananarivo ). GOD thanks a lot for all these decisions.
Only trucks or mini-trucks or 4WD vehicles can arrive in Berenty-Betsileo and the climate is very hot and the Isahena river was very shallow. We arrived again in Ankazoabo Atsimo after our main mission at 6.30 p.m. On the way back, we've sung with a loud voice in our car a lot of evangelical songs when suddenly in high grass we've seen some Dahalo with gus and spears. Immediately ( and as for me it's my character, as for me it's normal, it's me ), so immediately me and some of us have smiled to them with greetings by hand. Some of them have given to us a response by greetings by hand too but without smile. In the same time, one of us, a christian from Ankazoabo Atsimo, has planned to use his revolver ; GOD thanks, he has just touch his revolver, he has not the time to go it out of his small rucksack. I was quicker than him about my greetings and my smile. As for me greetings and smile are natural. This christian, Dadafara Mamy is his name, was already attacked three times by Dahalo before now, it's why he has decided to always carry with him a revolver or a gun. After our greetings by hand ( a wave ) to the Dahalo, I've told to Dadafara Mamy : « You have your gun, good. I have my own gun too. And my gun is the greetings by hand and my smile and my love and mainly my trust in The Almighty GOD to protect me and to protect us everywhere we are. You know how to use your gun ; GOD thanks, me too, I know how to use my guns ... ». It's a true story. For human beings, some situations like that come sunddenly ; but for GOD there is no suddenly event, GOD knows exactly the future, and GOD will protect us everywhere and everytime. A revolver is not bad, but your faith in The Almighty GOD is largely better and enough. It's my own opinion.

( left ) From here we have to walk about 1 Km because our car has taken a wrong path
( right ) In rainy season, it's impossible to go to Berenty-Betsileo - but now is the dry season
Friday & Saturday March 16th and 17th :
We were ready for the morning-worship exactly at ... 5.00 a.m. And we have done this morning-worship. Then we left ANKAZOABO ATSIMO after breakfast at the church. Arriving in Fianarantsoa where we have slept at a hotel at 8.00. p.m. We've continued our way to Antananarivo on Saturday with a departure at 5.00 a.m. Arriving in Antananarivo at 4.00 p.m. Thanks a lot to GOD first then thanks a lot too to the whole church of Ankadifotsy FJKM.
Written by Ravo Ratsimbazafy Nomenjanahary
( SA AFF Ankadifotsy FJKM church ).
Evangelical Mission of Ankadifotsy FJKM church in BERENTY-BETSILEO
After the first exploration of the land - August 2018
We were 15 persons for that + 2 drivers for 2 cars

The chiefs of the two missions in Berenty-Betsileo
as for me
1- Even if BERENTY BETSILEO is very far from big towns ( such as from Antananarivo or from Toliara ), many people there can read and write. Except the women, most of the women there can not read and can not write. I don' know why ? So for next time, Ankadifotsy FJKM church don't need teachers ( to teach people how to read and how to write ) in their team to go there.
2- The people in BERENTY BETSILEO like very much to sing ( both children and young people ; and both men and women ). So for next time it's useful to have persons who have the skill to teach easily evangelical songs in the team to go there. To have persons who know a lot of evangelical songs especially children-evangelical-songs. It's useful too to carry with us for next time many books of evangelical songs ( 'fihirana FFPM' and 'fihirana fanampiny' ). Thanks to the christians at Ankadifotsy FJKM church to give them to us before the departure of the next mission.
3- Both ANKAZOABO ATSIMO FJKM church and BERENTY-BETSILEO have asked us if it's possible for the christians at Ankadifotsy FJKM church to carry and to give them as gifts musical instrument such as two organs music or two 'synthetiseurs'. It will be very useful because they do not have it till now ( 2020 ). They say to me that it's not a problem if they will be a secund-hand-musical-instrument. Just note that they have electricity in ANKAZOABO ATSIMO FJKM church but not in BERENTY-BETSILEO. That means for BERENTY-BETSILEO, it's better to send to them a musical instrument which works with batteries or which works with solar system. And I've seen there ( both in ANKAZOABO ATSIMO FJKM church and in BERENTY-BETSILEO ) that they have persons who can play these musical instruments.
4- The mission was not easy but we've experienced that with GOD and only because of GOD, the mission became easy. Our community there was very good, GOD thanks, and one of us ( Mrs Holy, a new member in Evangelical Mission ) is a specialist to teach evangelical songs to the children and is a specialist to play with children. Most of children in BERENTY BETSILEO have gone there to learn new songs and to play and in the same occasion to learn about Jesus Christ and His great love. And as usual the Team of SA AFF Ankadifotsy FJKM church always shown solidarity when we go together in a mission like this. Only one of us didn't show solidarity when we were there.
5- About films, movies and cinema
In Evangelical Mission like this, movies projection is always very interesting because a lot of crowd are always interested on. BERENTY BETSILEO has a very big TV screen to show special event of the government to people. It works with a solar panel. So we have used this big TV screen to show to the people there 2 evangelical films. One was about the life of Jesus Christ and one about the fact that it's not good to be drunk. A lot of people ( many children, many young people and many adults ) have seen these two movies. But the pictures were good but not the sound. So for next time we ask to the christians at Ankadifotsy FJKM church to lend us good speakers-boxes ; and DVD player too.
![JESUS CHRIST is The Lord and The Saviour
He says : I am the way, the truth and the life
No one goes to The Father except by Me [ John 14 : 6 ] evangelical mission in Berenty-Betsileo, Ankazoabo Atsimo area, south of Madagascar, with the Ankadifotsy FJKM church, webmaster Ravo.Madagascar, Christian Thought](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/fjkm_Madagascar_35.jpg)
The town of Berenty-Betsileo, a Bara tribe area - Ravo's August 2018 pictures ©
To spread The Gospel of Jesus Christ - Frank, Miarivola and Ravo
One example of our Evangelical Mission
At the Group where I was :
The Group N° 5
The first day ( Friday 2018 August 10th )
Before to talk about the Group N° 5, let's talk about me. I was in Berenty-Betsileo in March 2018 for the first exploration of the land ( 'mamaky lay' - 'sava-lalana' ). Why ? Because I've asked to GOD fervently to go there ; I've prayed fervently to GOD for that. Then after this Mission, I was again, always for Evangelical Mission in another area, in Antanimbaribe-Kandreho ( see above ) with one of our colleague Mrs Augustine. Because of these two missions, I've told to my colleagues and to our chief(s) and to our Pastor ( Ranjakavola ) to don't go again in Berenty Betsileo. The idea was that another persons will have the opportunity to go there. But I don't know if the other men have no time for that or if they are frightened but they were 14 persons for the secund Evangelical Mission WITH ONLY ONE MAN : our Chief Mr Hajason. So Ranjakavola Pastor has called me to go with the Team because it's better he said to have two men in the Group than only one man. I thought that it was a decision of GOD. It's why I've decided to come back in Berenty Betsileo with my 14 colleagues. So I've done four Evangelical Missions in 2018, GOD thanks very very much !!!
- In March 2018 in Berenty Betsileo - Ankazoabo Atsimo area
- In July 2018 in Antanimbaribe Kandreho - Maevatanana area
- In August 2018
in Berenty Betsileo again and
In September 2018 in Mahanoro Vavatenina with the Central AFF
At the Group N° 5 there were Claudie FKBM ( who was already in the Team of the first exploration of the land with me ), me -Ravo- , Miss Miarivola ( a new member of the Evangelical Mission AFF ) and Frank from BERENTY BETSILEO as our local guide ( see picture just above ). There was no one from ANKAZOABO ATSIMO in our Group. We have spread The Gospel of Jesus Christ as The Lord and The Saviour in the area of BEROBOTSY ( it's a name of one of the highest tree in Berenty-Betsileo little town ). BEROBOTSY too is the area that the Mayor of Berenty Betsileo has given to us to build the BERENTY BETSILEO FJKM church. Frank our local guide lives in this area of BEROBOTSY. We have begun our mission at his hut ( a very basic hut - see the picture just above ), with his wife and his children ( always on the picture just above ).
The secund day ( Saturday 2018 August 11th )
Claudie FKBM has been with the staff of cooking, it was her turn to do that. And another Group has insisted to have Frank from BERENTY BETSILEO with them. So we were forced to change our local guide ; a very strange local guide : no discussion possible with her. No plan. We've thought that once again GOD has decided to guide us where to go. The team of the Group N° 5 on the 2nd day were : our new strange-woman-girl local guide, Miss Miarivola, me -Ravo-, and a new woman who has just arrived late on Friday August 10th from ANKAZOABO ATSIMO by taxi-brousse ( by common bus ) : Mrs Totoa Marianne who was excellent too for an Evangelical Mission.
On this 2nd day, we were at christians' houses. At the first day we were mainly at non-christians' houses. They were christians from presbyterian church and christians from catholic church. But when we've asked them about who is Jesus Christ ? None of them could give us the true answer. Most of them go to church, but only very few of them know Jesus Christ. So we've explained to them who is really Jesus Christ. We just hope that they will remember what we have told to them. The Holy Spirit will help them for that. Amen !

Evangelical films and Mrs Holy teaching evangelical songs to the children
A reunion of Dahalo ( Dinabe ) in Berenty Betsileo on 2018 August 10th
![JESUS CHRIST is The Lord and The Saviour
He says : I am the way, the truth and the life
No one goes to The Father except by Me [ John 14 : 6 ] evangelical mission in Berenty-Betsileo, Ankazoabo Atsimo area, south of Madagascar, with the Ankadifotsy FJKM church, webmaster Ravo.Madagascar, Christian Thought](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/fjkm_Madagascar_44.jpg)
Group N° 5 : Mr Frank, Miss Miarivola, Mrs Claudie - Ravo's picture ©

We were 15 persons + the 2 drivers of the 2 cars - on the path Sakaraha-Ankazoabo
Ihary, Julie, Tine, Marie-Claire, Claudie, Hanitra, Miarivola, Holy, Fifi, Ravo (Mr)
Miarisoa, Claudie, Bodo, Lalao and Hajason (Mr) our Chief
Evangelical Mission of the AFF in ANJOMA NANDIHIZANA
At ( 50 + 6 ) Km from Ambositra in the middle-south
From 2019 July 16th till July 20th
The Central SA AFF has divided us into 3 Groups
That means 3 Groups which will preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ in 3 different areas as below, then we've chosen the Chief of each Group and they have designed the Responsibles from the Central SA AFF who will be in each Group.
1st GROUP : In Nosy Lava ( near Analalava – Antsohihy area ) :
They have limited the people who will go there at 10 maximum persons. Mrs Bako ( a member of 'Vehivavy Sakaizan’ny AFF' that means a member of THE WOMEN FRIENDS OF THE CENTRAL AFF ) was their Chief – And the Responsibles from the Central AFF who will go there will be Dina Razaf Pastor and Miss Evà.
2nd GROUP : In Vohiposa ( near the main road RN7 - Between Ambositra and Fianarantsoa ) :
Mr Toton Daniel ( from Andrainarivo FJKM church - he was already a chief of one Group too in 2018 in Antanimbaribe Kandreho ) was their Chief – And the Responsible from the Central AFF who will go there will be Fano Pastor ( he was too with us in 2018 in Antanimbaribe Kandreho ).
3rd GROUP : In Anjomà Nandihizana and in Camp Robin ( Ambositra area ) :
I -Ravo- was their Chief ( from Ankadifotsy FJKM church - and such as Mr Tonton Daniel, I was already a chief of one Group too in 2018 in Antanimbaribe Kandreho ) – And the Responsible from the Central AFF who will go there will be Triomphe Pastor ( who is one of the High Chief of the Central AFF in Madagascar ).
The representatives of Ankadifotsy FJKM church at the 3rd GROUP were :
1- Miaramiangalinoro Augustine ( who was already with me in Antanimbaribe Kandreho in 2018 )
2- Raheliarisoa Hajarizoely ( who was already with me during the first exploration of the land in Berenty-Betsileo in 2018 )
3- Razafintsalama Irène Claudie ( who was already with me during the first exploration of the land in Berenty-Betsileo in 2018 )
4- Beninandiana Luciana ( Totoa - she is a new member of the Evangelical Mission AFF )
5- Ratsimbazafy Ravo Nomenjanahary ( the writer of this information and the photographer )

Evangelical Mission in Anjomà Nandihizana
All the pictures were taken by Ravo 2019 ©
The Responsible(s) from the Central AFF are there only as supervisor(s), it belongs to each chief(s) to organize EVERYTHINGS. So because most of times organisations and corporations have problem or have big problem about money management, I've asked to our colleague Mrs Luciana ( see the list above ) to manage our budget. I've ask too to our colleague Mrs Claudie ( see the list above ) to manage our supplies ( the food, the salt, the sugar, the charcoal, the rice, the oil, the candles, the soap, etc. ). My colleagues and me from Ankadifotsy FJKM church, we have hoped to go to « Nosy Lava Analalava - see above » but GOD has decided to send us in « Anjomà Nandihizana ». The sharing of the 3 Groups was done via drawing lots.
Then there was a secund reunion of all people who plan to do the 2019 Evangelical Mission. Many people who were present during the first reunion were not present at this secund reunion. That means many persons have desisted to not participate to this 2019 Evangelical Mission. But few new persons have come such as those from Toamasina-Betela FJKM church, from Ilanivato FJKM church and from Ambatonakanga FJKM church. All these new persons have joined the 3rd GROUP where I was : the Group of ANJOMA NANDIHIZANA. During this secund reunion, the whole assembly have decided to cancel « Nosy Lava Analalava » because of some reasons such as only men ( no women ) can go to this area ; such as those who will go there must know to speak Sakalava tribe ; such as probably those who will go there will have no room to sleep so they could sleep on the beach under the stars in the sky. So the whole assembly have decided that the Group of NOSY LAVA ( the 1st GROUP ) will go in « Camp Robin ». The representatives of Imerintsiatosika FJKM church ( some persons ) will add them ( will add the 1st GROUP which became the 3rd GROUP ). So this is the new organisation of the Groups :
1st GROUP : In Vohiposa
Always Mr Toton Daniel as their Chief – And the Responsible from the Central AFF who will go there will be Fano Pastor.
2nd GROUP : In Anjomà Nandihizana
Always me -Ravo- as their Chief and always the representatives of Ankadifotsy FJKM church inside. And the Responsible from the Central AFF who will go there will be Triomphe Pastor - unfortunately he was not available just the night before departure. He was replaced by Mrs Hanta ( who is too one of the High Chief of the Central AFF in Madagascar ). We were 16 persons at the 2nd GROUP with 14 women and just ... two men ( Mr Rija from Antsampandrano FJKM church and me ).
3rd GROUP : In Camp Robin
Mrs Bako ( a member of 'Vehivavy Sakaizan’ny AFF' that means a member of THE WOMEN FRIENDS OF THE CENTRAL AFF ) was their Chief – No Responsible from the Central AFF ! ( Mrs Hanta of the 2nd GROUP has previously planned to go with the 3rd GROUP but Triomphe Pastor of the 2nd GROUP was suddenly not available ). So finally, they have decided to send as Responsible in the 3rd GROUP a Pastor who lives in Ambositra and who is the Pastor in Ambositra town ( a town not so far from Camp Robin ) : Joséphine Pastor who is the main Chief of SA AFF in the whole area ( Ambositra + Camp Robin + Anjomà Nandihizana + Vohiposa ).
![The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want ...
He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul
He guides me in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake ...
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life ...
[ Psalm 23 : 1, 2, 3, 6a ] evangelical mission in Anjomà Nandihizana, Ambositra Amoron'i Mania area, south of Madagascar, with the SA AFF FJKM, webmaster Ravo.Madagascar, Christian Thought](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/fjkm_Madagascar_56.jpg)
Walking through ricefields and fields and high bush and little rivers
3rd picture : Ravo, Tolotra, Augustine, Rija - a self-timer picture
Evangelical Mission with the Central AFF in
« Anjomà Nandihizana - Ambositra area »
Tuesday 2019 July 16th :
Mamitiana Pastor, a Pastor in this area of Ambositra has shown there the movies of the life of « Jesus ». From 7.00 p.m. till 9.00 p.m. A lot of people have seen that in spite of a very cold night with a lot of drizzle which has falling during all this time and till the early morning on Wednesday 17th. There was no electricity in Anjomà Nandihizana so they have to use a fuel-generator. Just before we arrived there, the person responsible of our welcome was suddenly died. So we had to sleep at the main office of the town and because of that, it was very difficult to find WC, to borrow large and very large pots and pans ( for cooking rice and for cooking food ), it was very difficult too to find shower ( for shower, finally, women and men have to walk about 20 mn go to find a natural spring outside the little town ).
Wednesday July 17th and Thursday July 18th :
14 christians from Antananarivo.
01 woman christian from Toamasina.
01 woman Responsible from the Central AFF ( Mrs Hanta ) and
24 christians from Ambositra and from Ambositra area.
That means we were 40 christians who have preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ there . We had no local guide there !!! It was the first time that an Evangelical Mission has NO LOCAL GUIDE !!! We always have local guides ( that means people who live in the area where we go ) during an Evangelical Mission. But at this time GOD has decided that we will not have local guide. So we have to go and to find our paths by ourselves with walking and hiking through ricefields and fields and high wild bush and little rivers.
Friday 2019 July 19th :
Mrs Clara Pastor who was our main Chief had to leave us in the early morning of Friday. I became the main Chief of all the Group. And I've decided to modify the whole Group because it was Friday, the market-day in ANJOMA NANDIHIZANA. So we have modified the Group into 5 little Groups. Only the Group of cooking on Friday was not modified ( because this Group of cooking was already planned on the first day : on Tuesday July 16th ). Each person has choosen the Group that she-he loves. This is below this new 5 little Groups :
1st Group : those who have preached by a « mechanical megaphone » in the town ( market-day )
2nd Group : those who have preached directly by personal contact the people in town ( market-day )
3rd Group : those who have prayed for all the Groups and for the Mission ( only 4 persons in that Group )
4th Group : those who have continued to go far to far villages to preach Jesus and
5th Group : those who have prepared our breakfast-lunch-and-dinner for the day
Saturday July 20th and Sunday July 21st :
Early in the morning of Saturday, all the christians from Antananarivo ( we were 16 persons ) have come back by our bus from Anjomà Nandihizana to Ambositra and to Antananarivo . The Team of Ambositra and Ambositra area have continued to do the Evangelical Mission on Saturday and on Sunday ( the day of The LORD ).
These are the main Chiefs in ANJOMA NANDIHIZANA :
- Ravo : Chief of the Team from Antananarivo ( from Ankadifotsy FJKM church )
- Mrs Totoa Luciana : who has managed our budget - ( from Ankadifotsy FJKM church )
- Mrs Totoa Claudie : who has managed the food etc. ( from Ankadifotsy FJKM church )
- Mrs Clara Pastor : Chief of the Team from Ambositra and area ( from Ambalafeno Firaisana FJKM church )
- Mrs Hanta ( our designed Responsible from the Central SA AFF )

All pictures are taken by a Panasonic DMC-FZ72 camera of my brother Ramy
2nd picture : the Group N° 4 on Friday : Rosalée, Ravo, Rija
Timing details
Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th :
Anjomà Nandihizana is 6 Km from the main road RN7, after 50 Km from Ambositra town. And 10 Km from there if you continue the path you arrive in Manandriana. We were divided into 4 little Groups and each Group has to cook our food following its turn. Each Group has to do the morning-worship following its turn. Each Group has to do too the evening-worship following its turn. There were about 9 persons or 10 persons inside each Group.
GROUP N° 1 :
3 persons from Ankadifotsy FJKM church were at this Group : Mrs Hajarizoely, Mrs Totoa Claudie and Mrs Totoa Luciana ( who has managed the budget of the ANJOMA NANDIHIZANA TEAM ). Plus the Team of Ambositra and of Ambositra area such as Mr RaPierre ( who was the 2nd Chief of Ambositra Team ).
GROUP N° 2 :
One person from Ankadifotsy FJKM church was at this Group : Mrs Augustine, Mrs Tolotra ( who is the Chief of SA AFF Alasora Betesda ), Mr Rija ( the only man from Antananarivo Team with me – he is from Antsampandrano FJKM church ), Mrs Totoa Bernadette ( from Toamasina – Betela FJKM church ) and me ( on Thursday July 18th ). Plus the persons from Ambositra Team such as Mrs Totoa Balisama, Mrs Totoa Rosalée, Mr Tovo. We were divided into 2 little Groups of 4 persons each. Ravo, Augustine, Totoa Rosalée, Rija /// Totoa Bernadette, Tovo, Totoa Balisama, Tolotra. We have preached The Gospel of Jesus Christ in IANATSONGA area and villages which was a very large area. That means we have preached The Gospel of Jesus Christ in the following villages : Antsinjo, Ambalafeno, Ampany Atsimo, Ampany Avaratra, Mahaimaso, Betela ( which has a FLM church ), Ambany lalan-drano, Ankazotokana, Ambodiharana, Soalafy, Maro Omby. Plus many villages of the 2nd little Group of Totoa Bernadette ( Toamasina FJKM church ) ; I don't have the list of these villages.
GROUP N° 3 :
Where were Mrs Totoa Lisa ( from Ilanivato FJKM church ), Mrs Aurélie ( from Ilanivato FJKM church too ), Mrs Tômine ( from Andravoahangy Fivavahana FJKM church ) and Mrs Totoa Lala ( from Mahazoarivo FJKM church - who was already with Mrs Augustine and me in 2018 in Antanimbaribe Kandreho ). Plus the Team of Ambositra and of Ambositra area.
GROUP N° 4 :
Where I was ( on Wednesday July 17th ), Mrs Totoa Elise ( from Andravoahangy Fivavahana FJKM church ), Mrs Hasina ( from Andravoahangy Fivavahana FJKM church ), and Mrs Simone ( from Ambatonakanga FJKM church ). Plus the Team of Ambositra and of Ambositra area such as Mrs Totoa Honorine, Mrs Totoa Lisy and Mrs Totoa Albine, Mrs Rivo and Mr Donné. We were divided into 3 little Groups of 3 persons each. Ravo, Totoa Honorine, Totoa Lisy /// Totoa Elise, Hasina, Rivo /// Simone, Donné, Totoa Albine ( who was the N° 3 at Ambositra Team because she was the responsible of their budget ). We have preached The Gospel of Jesus Christ in ANJOMA NANDIHIZANA which was very large too. That means we have preached The Gospel of Jesus Christ in the following villages : Vondrombe, Ambalavato, Fon’Ala, Ankemoa, Soafiana, Nanalofana, Ambalamahasoa. Plus many villages of the 2nd little Group and of the 3rd little Group ; I don't have the list of these villages.
![Jesus is the one whose The Almighty GOD says :
This is my own dear Son, with whom I am pleased
[ Matthew 3 : 17 ] evangelical mission in Anjomà Nandihizana, Ambositra Amoron'i Mania area, south of Madagascar, with the SA AFF FJKM, webmaster Ravo.Madagascar, Christian Thought](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/fjkm_Madagascar_53.jpg)
To preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ as The Lord and The Saviour in the fields and on the paths
Made by the 4th Group on Friday 2019 July 19th
NB 1 :
As I've told you above, it was very difficult to find WC, to find large and very large pots and pans ( for cooking rice and for cooking food ) in the little town of ANJOMA NANDIHIZANA. It was very very difficult too to find food ( such as vegetables, meat, beans and white beans, tomatoes, fruits, chicken, fish, egg, etc. EXCEPT on Fridays which is the market-day there ; PS ANJOMA means FRIDAY - from Anjomà Nandihizana ). That means fairly no food except on Fridays. We have already bought the rice ( a lot of rice ) in Ambositra before to arrive in ANJOMA NANDIHIZANA ( we have already bought zebu-meat too in Ambositra ). One of us to buy our food have gone to Manandriana by his bike on Thursday July 18th ( 20 Km go and back from ANJOMA NANDIHIZANA ; GOD thanks, he has taken his bike, he is a christian man from AMBOSITRA AND AREA TEAM, not from Antananarivo Team ). But on Fridays you can find all the food mentioned above, no problem on Fridays. And in this little town, THERE IS NO BROOM ( it's very rare in Madagascar a village or a little town WITHOUT BROOM ; NO BROOM, NO BRUSH !! ). ANJOMA NANDIHIZANA and the whole area is an unsafe area ( because of Dahalo-bandits ) ; it's why most of the pens there have no cattle because the Dahalo-bandits have stolen the zebus -the oxes-.
NB 2 :
We've preached Jesus Christ there, but we've done too some SOCIAL ACTS, such as to give them a lot of money so the little town can buy pine table and 32 pine chairs for the main office there ( for example when they have a wedding ; because till we arrived there if they have a wedding, all the people have no seat so all the people have to stand up ). We have clean and sweep up too the area around the main office where we've slept, this area was ... very dirty when we arrived there ! And we've dug a very big hole near the main office to put rubbish inside. Then we have given some money to two christians there ( one christian lives there and the another christian is Mr RaPierre from Ambositra. These money have given to them to continue and to maintain an assembly of Sundays-worship ( VOMM ) there after our departure. Because there is no FJKM christian church in the whole area of ANJOMA NANDIHIZANA.
Thanks a lot to GOD and thanks a lot to the christians at Ankadifotsy FJKM church who have given us a lot of Holy Bibles and a lot of evangelical-songs-books ( 'Fihirana FFPM' ). We have given some of them directly to the people there. And we have given some of them to the two christians who will be Responsibles of the assembly of Sundays-worship ( VOMM ) there ; that means we have given some Holy Bibles to Mr Dada Ramanana and to Mr RaPierre ( KD ). As I've told you above, Mr RaPierre was the 2nd Chief of AMBOSITRA AND AREA TEAM ( the first Chief of AMBOSITRA AND AREA TEAM and our main Chief was Mrs Clara Pastor ).

First pictures are pictures of the high Responsibles in Anjomà-Nandihizana evangelical mission
The 2 last pictures are exactly the same picture as the picture above, but just I've enlarge it
We were 16 christians from Antananarivo : 14 women and only ... two men !!!
The people in ANJOMA NANDIHIZANA and in the whole large area were very interested about Jesus Christ. Some of them were happy to welcome us and some of them have a weep of joy to hear us. GOD thanks. GOD will bless them and will keep and will grow their faith in GOD's love and in Jesus Christ. Amen ! Some people there or many people there are already christians ( from Catholic church and from Lutherian-Presbyterian church ) ; especially those who live in the little town of ANJOMA NANDIHIZANA and those who live in the village of BETELA.
This information was written by Ravo ( from Ankadifotsy FJKM church ) Tél. ++ 261 32 41 063 65.
( who was the Chief of the evangelical mission in Anjomà Nandihizana 2019 ).
( and who is the webmaster of this web site : Christian Thought & Pensée Chrétienne.org ).
Only to GOD the glory for ever and ever. Amen
![This information about our Evangelical Mission in Anjomà-Nandihizana
was written and put on line during the lockdown
Because of the Corona-virus Covid-19 of 2020
I've had no work that means no money during a year. But GOD thanks,
He was always near me to encourage me, to give me hope and
to give me food and peace and joy [ Ravo, webmaster of Christian Thought ] Ravo.Madagascar, Ratsimbazafy Ravo Nomenjanahary, webmaster of Christian thought](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/Makay_Ravo_Madagascar.jpg)
Ravo in Makay massif in November 2012
I am a witness of God's protection
I am a witness of God's power
We have to live ALL the Words of GOD ! All ! It's excellent to know GOD's Words ( that means The Bible ) if it's possible, but it's not enough to know Them ; we have to know them and to live with them, to live in them, to live through them. This is life together with GOD. I am a witness of GOD's Words, I am a witness of GOD's power, I am a witness of GOD's protection. The article below is just one of a lot of articles that I can tell you. Let's begin it by the Words of GOD, THE ALMIGHTY GOD to us in Psalm 121 :
The Psalm of the traveller
I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from ? My help comes from THE LORD, The Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip, He who watches over you will not slumber ; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. THE LORD watches over you, THE LORD is your shade at your right hand ; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. THE LORD will keep you from all harm ; He will watch over your life ; THE LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and for evermore . Amen.
It was happened in 2014 July
In Bongolava, an unsafe area because of Dahalo-bandits
Belobaka Borne - Ankavandra - Manambolo river
Because of my job till now ( 2020 ), the things below is for me as a daily routine, but in 2014 July, it was an exception, it comes to me so suddenly with bad or very bad events. Of course I know that for GOD there is no sudden event. Sudden events are just for men. We were some persons inside a 4WD vehicle through BONGOLAVA area. And in that day I've decided to carry with me my little brother : Ramy. Most of times such as in all the articles above and below I use his camera to take pictures. Because his camera is excellent for people who live in Madagascar, a poor country. After to buy a lot of supplies, we have slept in TSIROANOMANDIDY which is the last time to sleep on a bed. No bed, no village, no people, no store, no market after TSIROANOMANDIDY till ANKAVANDRA. We will go through a very unsafe area of Dahalo-bandits. Some of my colleagues have guns to go there. I've seen them. As for me : I have no gun, I have no knife of fight, just I have my GOD, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, just I have my trust in Him.
So we've left TSIROANOMANDIDY town to go to BELOBAKA little town. A wonderful day with a very blue sky. I've told to my broher Ramy : let's take another picture of you and me here, and here, and here. Then we've bought some vegetables, white beans etc. in BELOBAKA. Usually I have one or two men in BELOBAKA to wait me ( one of them will be my cook on the river canoe trip down ). But this day : there was no man. It's not normal but I've continued to trust. I've called the company but I've had no acceptable answer from them. That means I have to resolve the problem by myself ( it's the system in Madagascar - I know it ). Note that here in BELOBAKA is the last place that you can have phone service ; after BELOBAKA you will not have any phone service during many days till you arrive in ... BEKOPAKA. Why I didn't have any porters in BELOBAKA ? I don't know ; the company doesn't know too.

Our 4WD vehicle, the bad path : Belobaka - Borne / in rollover : Belobaka village
Bongolava area, poor people - My brother Ramy and me
a wonderful day with a blue sky - July 2014 pictures
GOD's plan begins here.
In the market of BELOBAKA, suddenly a man came to me with joy and told me :
« Ravo ! Don't you remember me ? My name is Pédôre and I've already been with you before ». Yes, now, I remember him. He was with his brother-in-law to visit a family in BELOBAKA ? They came from ANKAVANDRA town and they planed to walk back there. From BELOBAKA to ANKAVANDRA, you have to go only by foot ( except if you have a helicopter ). And me I have to go to ANKAVANDRA too to take canoes to continue our trip on THE MANAMBOLO RIVER and to end it in BEKOPAKA in the TSINGY OF BEMARAHA National Park. I've asked to Pédôre : « Where are the people who have to wait me here ? Who are them ? Their names ? ». There is no one he told me. Your name -Ravo- is not written on the blackboard in ANKAVANDRA. That means no one knows that you have to come. OK ! Let's go with us I've told them, so I will take you as my porters if there is no porters in BORNE. The porters have to wait me in BELOBAKA or in BORNE to carry our very heavy and many luggages till the canoe. That means for one full day and half hiking we must have obligatory porters. I've trusted that my porters have decided to wait me in BORNE and not in BELOBAKA. NB : from BELOBAKA till BORNE, the path is extremely bad so it's impossible to go there without a good and strong 4WD vehicle with an experienced driver. There are two little rivers there and your car have to cross it ( Ankaramena river and Itondy river ). Most of times, we have a problem or a big problem with these two little rivers even if we take with us tools such as spades and 2 or 4 gangways to put under the tyres of the car in hard condition. The BORNE is a desert area without village and without people. And from BORNE, it's impossible for a car even if it's a very good 4WD vehicle to continue. The car has to go back to Antananarivo from there.
So Pédôre and his brother-in-law went with us to BORNE. Not inside our car but outside our car because we had no place inside. GOD has sent Pédôre and his brother-in-law for me to help me in His plan. But till this time I didn't understand that. Just before we arrived there, and it was already in the evening, the sky became quickly very dark : a very dark clouds in the sky. Usually there is no rain in July but for this time GOD has decided to fall the rain. When we arrived there, we have decided to build quickly the tents, three tents. Pédôre and his brother-in-law and the driver and my own brother have decided to help me to do that quickly.
But UNFORTUNATELY I have had no porter in BORNE. There was no one there except us. This was a very unpleasant news for me. I need absolutely porters to carry our many and heavy luggages for tomorrow !!! Because of that, the driver and my brother have proposed to me to stay for the night to help me. But Pédôre who knows really the area there has insisted to me to send them back to Antananarivo immediately because of the rain. Pédôre told me : « Ravo ! I tell you the truth, if they stay for the night, they will have a very big problem with the path to drive back ; the path will be very slippery as soap ». So I've insisted to my brother and to the driver to drive back immediately and they went. Just a few times after their departure, the rain fall down : a heavy and strong storm which last some hours. We could not prepare any food because of the rain a fire was impossible to do. So we have eaten cake and cheese as dinner. And no hot water, that means no coffee, no tea, no chocolate, just spring water in bottles. During the night and under the heavy rain, Pédôre and his brother-in-law had go out of their tent to dig a little hole all arround the 3 tents to keep the inside of each tent dry because of the water of the heavy rain. So we can sleep in the tent.

The bad path : Belobaka - Borne - all the pictures : Ravo.Madagascar 2011
To pass Ankaramena river - 2011 with our porters
in yellow : Lepô, in orange : Lesefo - 2011
The rain has continued during the night. Everybody has slept except me. I could not sleep. I've tried but I could not. Impossible to sleep for me. Usually when I can not sleep, I decide to pray and to pray and to pray, with a non-stop prayer. I pray for everythings : for my family, for my friends ( and I have A LOT OF friends ), for my country, for the problems, for the rain, and TO PRAISE GOD TOO, to thank Him for everythings. Perhaps at about 11.00 p.m. the rain has stopped finally. I've continued to think about my porters. Where can I find porters tomorrow ? But suddenly, I've heard a voice through the night, a voice as a dream, it was the voice of my own brother Ramy, and the voice told me : « Ravo !? Do you sleep ? Please wake up and go out to save us ! Our car has a problem inside the river. Let's go there please ! ». It was about midnight ! Why GOD ? I've prayed You, so why ? So I've waked up too Pédôre and his brother-in-law and together we've walked by night to see the 4WD vehicle in the river. To try to take it out of the river. But it was so hard for us. The night was very cold. My brother has fall down because of tiredness. I had a pity for him. I've called a lot of times THE POWERFUL NAME OF JESUS CHRIST but no answer. We were very tired. Finally I have given money to the driver and I've told him to resolve the problem by himself because Pédôre and me we have to come back to the tents to prepare the breakfast. And the breakfast was ready on time. The other people in the tent didn't know the act during the night. They thought that Pédôre and me have slept in our tent as they have done.
Before to continue about my own problem, let's talk about my brother's problem with the 4WD vehicle. I've continue to pray night and day. If the driver has planned to arrive in Antananarivo on day D, they ( with my brother ) arrived there only on day D + 1. Some Dahalo-bandits have walked near them in the morning ( see the picture ) so the driver has asked to them to help him, and because they were numerous, they have finished to put the car out of the river. The answer of THE ALMIGHTY GOD to me was : « For this time, I will not show you a miracle. You 5 with Pédôre and my brother inside, you can not do anything. But I will send to your brother a lot of Dahalo-bandits, that means I will rescue them by normal-way, not by miracle ». It's so easy to tell you this story, but it was very hard to live that situation : the fear, the anxiety, the tiredness, the future, etc. How can we put off this car from the water ? I didn't know the solution above about the Dahalo. I knew it only some days later when I've come back in Antananarivo to speak to my brother Ramy.

Always 2011 pictures, Ankaramena river, let's use gangways
3rd picture : July 2014 : Ravo and Pédôre
Before our separation in Borne
My porters didn't arrive till the end. I had just two porters : Pédôre and his brother-in-law. GOD thanks for these two porters. I've told to the tourists to take with them only the things that they need really for one day and one night and to leave at the camp the other things. I've told them to begin to walk AND I'VE PROMISED THEM THAT I WILL FIND PORTERS AND THAT I WILL JOIN THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. But of course, for human being, this promise is like a promise of a political man, there was no issue, there was no hope ! How could I know the future ? I am not a prophet to know the future. But I am not a simple human being, I am a CHRISTIAN who believe in GOD MY SAVIOUR. So because of that and because of my trust in my GOD, I can give the promise to the tourists. And I've believed in my promise because of MY GOD ( even if I didn't know how the future will be ). So Pédôre and his brother-in-law have taken very heavy luggages ( perhaps more than 30 Kg or more than 50 Kg ; that means more than 60 Kg or more than 100 Kg for both ). They have carried two tents, the sleeping bags, the mattresses, the tools for cooking, some food and some luggages of the tourists. And they have cooked the lunch and the dinner of the tourists, with a typical Malagasy dishes that means with rice and dry white beans ( or with eggs I don't remember ). Because Pédôre was not a cook and he and his brother-in-law could not too to speak in english nor in french. So no talk between the tourists and Pédôre because the tourists could not speak in Malagasy too. Just walking and taking pictures and eating lunch and eating dinner. Typical Malagasy lunch and typical Malagasy dinner. I was not with them.
Me, I have to keep the camp with my tent and with most of our luggages. Pédôre didn't agree with me till the end that I will keep alone the camp. He told me that the area is really unsafe because of Dahalo-bandits. He asked me if I have a gun. He told me that nobody can stay alone in an area like this. Except if he wants to die. I've told to Pédôre that I am not alone because THE LORD is always near me and with me ( I'm sure that Pédôre never understand what I've told to him ). So I've stayed alone because of MY TRUST IN MY GOD, THE ALMIGHTY GOD ! Pédôre didn't agree with me till the end, but I was the boss. He was afraid for me. It was about 8.00 a.m. when they leave me alone. And I was ... ALONE !!!

During the last night I didn't sleep ; and I had to walk go and back at night to help the driver and my brother because of the car. I was not afraid but my mind thinks about a lot of problems. I was ALONE, without a gun, without a knife of fight, and without any force because I was tired. It was a very hard situation. The area is completely unsafe and nobody can help you if there is an attack. I've tried again to sleep but I could not. So I've decided to go out of my tent sometimes to see the surroundings. It was very quiet, no sound. It was peaceful. No bird, no insect, no people, no wind. No flies, because I will remember flies if there were flies. My only friends were just ants and two pied-crows. I've remembered the story of Elijah the prophet of GOD when I've seen the pied-crows. The difference is that the raven has given Elijah food, but as for me I've given food to the pied-crows. But the situation was the same : Elijah and me, we were ... ALONE ! But for me it was for a very short time. And I WAS ALONE ! I can do nothing except to pray and to continue to pray. I've remembered that my only daughter has to do a very important exam on that day, and that day was a Monday. I've heard after that, that she passed the exam. GOD thanks a lot. Then I've waited the porters. I've waited. I've waited. No porters. But I've waited for them with trust. No Dahalo-bandits too. Perhaps there were Dahalo ? But I didn't see them. Usually Dahalo see you but you don't see them ; you will see them only when they attack you. And there was morning, and there was evening. I could not eat a lot not because of fear but because of no porters ( a big problem for me ). And there was morning, and there was evening.

The Dahalo-bandits have helped my brother - Ramy 2014 pictures
The camp was situated on the path to go to ANKAVANDRA from BELOBAKA. So finally at 5.00 p.m. there were 9 men from BELOBAKA. They were not Dahalo-bandits, they were just men. They are not porters but after discussion, they have taken ALL my luggages. Because they have planned to go to ANKAVANDRA like me too. And because they need money. And because they are numerous, so the luggage of each person was not so heavy as the luggage of Pédôre and his brother-in-law. But Pédôre is a true porter and his brother-in-law was a very strong man. Before departure they have asked me to prepare our dinner. Then we have started our night-walking around 7.00 p.m. Our goal ? To join as quick as possible Pédôre and the tourists.
Do you know 'Jack Bauer' and his movies '24 hours chrono' ? For me it was like the movies : a non-stop without sleeping. Through BONGOLAVA hills and valleys we have walked during the night through a very dark night without moon, without stars and without any light. Why ? Because IT'S FORBIDDEN TO USE LIGHT IF YOU WANT TO LIVE. With a light at night in unsafe area of Dahalo-bandits, they can see you and they can kill you by guns from far place as a good target in the night, and you will die. So, no light. Just walking in the dark. None of the 9 men know me, and I didn't see before this time no one of the 9 men. But GOD has given me the 9 men, it was largely enough for me.
About 11.00 p.m. I was very sleepy. I've walked like a drunk man because of tiredness. So I've decided to stop our walk. And we've slept on the hill of BONGOLAVA area. With a very cold night. With my little rucksack with the money inside as my pillow, with my jacket as my blanket, with the stars as my roof, with the very cold wind as my friend and ... with hard rock and hard soil as my bed ! There is nothing in BONGOLAVA area except soil, rock and grass ( and very few trees ). It was my memorable souvenir of BONGOLAVA area. We have slept just few hours because we have to join Pédôre as soon as possible. When I've waked up them, some of them have deeply slept with hard soil as their bed. I remember till now where we have slept. GOD thanks a lot that there were no Dahalo in our way. GOD thanks a lot that He gave me ... 9 men as porters. GOD thanks a lot that we have joined the camp of Pédôre at 4.00 a.m. Immediately we've decided to sleep again in spite of a lot of mosquitos. We were very tired so the mosquitos were not a problem for us. The mosquitos were very happy : 10 men as early breakfast for them. There were mosquitos ( and probably snakes, the giant hognose snake 'menarana' because the camp was near a little mango-trees forest. Because a camp must have water for cooking such as a small river ; and when you see a mango-trees forest, it's sure that you can find water there. But in areas with mago-trees forest, there are a lot of mosquitos and snakes. I have to wake up again at 6.00 a.m. to prepare breakfast with Pédôre. And the breakfast was ready on time. The tourists were happy to see the porters and to see me.

1st picture : Our path was like this, but we've walked during the night
2nd picture : We've joined finally Pédôre at this mango-trees forest
3rd picture : Ankavandra very big village
In rollover : the paddle-man James
We've continued our walk without any problem after the breakfast and we arrived on time in ANKAVANDRA. The people in ANKAVANDRA were very surprised to see us because we had arrived unexpectedly. We were 11 porters plus me plus the tourists. And those in ANKAVANDRA have never known that I will come, so they have never sent nobody in BELOBAKA to wait me. I've thanked GOD to have help me for this very big problem. ANKAVANDRA has given me paddle-men. I've insisted to have Pédôre as one of them but I could not have him. The mission of Pédôre from GOD was finished : to help me in a big trouble. In the afternoon we've left already ANKAVANDRA, we were already on our canoes to paddle on THE MANAMBOLO RIVER. We have to paddle 6 hours per day : 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours again in the afternoon. Then to build our tents every evening and to pack the tents again every morning before departure. We have to do that during ... 4 days. One day, my back was very ill because of the fact to paddle 6 hours a day : in an area without hospital, without any doctor, without medical-drugs, just ... PRAYER !
I've finished my story about THE PROTECTION OF GOD in our life. I give you some names of the paddle-men in ANKAVANDRA as a proof that my story is a true one : Lesefo, Lendafy, Levao, Levelo, Ledada, Lembitsy, Lefaly, Lemena. Most of them know me. I've loved Lemena even if he was a wicked boy, I've tried to preach him JESUS CHRIST but I never see him again after our first meeting. But I've loved too these 3 paddle-men : Eric = Lepô ( I've preached him JESUS CHRIST a lot of times ), Vavany and James ( please see his picture above ) . The people who live in ANKAVANDRA are Sakalava tribe, Antefasy tribe and Korao tribe. Some of them are specialist to catch crocodiles. And one day I have seen one of them to catch it. They catch crocodiles only at night, never in the day. It's more easy to catch them in the night with a torch. To catch a crocodile is like to fish, you need patience. And I have no patience, especially at night. So during we tried to catch a crocodile, I was sleepy on the canoe, and I was ready to fall down in the water full of crocodiles at night. To catch crocodiles is not for me, I prefer largely to sleep. It was another souvenir.

Those who have guns are Dahalo-bandits, I am in red in the picture
3rd picture : Ravo using his own tent - 2017
Manambolo river, Oly area
When I've done at the first time this trip on canoe on the MANAMBOLO river in 2000 ( at that time we have used the flights of AIR MADAGASCAR between TSIROANOMANDIDY and ANKAVANDRA, that means there was no walking of one day and half at that time ), the name of my first paddle-man was Tafika. Few years later I've known that Tafika was a very dangerous Dahalo-bandit. I've already felt it on the first time I was with him because HE KNEW EVERYBODY on the Manambolo river ; he saluted them and he talked with them, EVERYTIME and EVERYWHERE !! Because of that, because when you talk with someone, you have to stop or to reduce your speed ; so because of that Tafika and me we have always to paddle more quickly than the other persons to try to join them. It was already ... 14 years before the adventure-trip above. Few years later, Tafika was died, the army have shoot at him during a pursuit. He was a well-known Dahalo-bandit in the whole area of ANKAVANDRA-BONGOLAVA. Note too that the people there love very much to drink strong alcohol and immoral sexuality and adultery are common there. But let's finish with how was the end of my adventure-trip above ? My paddle-men were very happy, so they have decided to compose a song about me. It's a very good dancing music, if you know Jerry Marcoss ( a famous Malagasy singer from the North of Madagascar ), and if you know his song : « AYA AYA » ; « Where are you my darling ? AYA AYA ! We will go to Paris AYA AYA ! OY OY ! AYA AYA ! OY OY ! AYA AYA ! ». So on the MANAMBOLO RIVER, my paddle-men have sung this song with joy and with a loud voice ! But they have changed the lyrics ; I don't remember it exactly but it's something like that : « Ravo is our tour guide AYA AYA - The unexpectedly tour guide AYA AYA - We are his paddle-men AYA AYA - We are unexpectedly paddle-men AYA AYA - Our life is on the Manambolo river AYA AYA - And now we go with our guide Ravo AYA AYA ! OY OY ! AYA AYA ! OY OY ! AYA AYA ! ... ». I like to end this testimony always by the WORDS of GOD above, By the WORDS of GOD at the beginning of this testimony :
![I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from ?
My help comes from THE LORD, The Maker of heaven and earth ...
... THE LORD will keep you from all harm ; He will watch over your life
THE LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and for evermore
Amen - [ Psalm 121 ] Bongolava, Belobaka, Ankavandra, Manambolo, Madagascar - testimony of Ratsimbazafy Ravo Nomenjanahary - evangelical mission - Ravo.Madagascar](../Gif/Bongolava_Ankavandra_Manambolo_Madagascar_G3.jpg)
Comparison between the company canoe and typical local canoe
Pslam 121 : The Psalm of the traveller
I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from ? My help comes from THE LORD, The Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip, He who watches over you will not slumber ; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. THE LORD watches over you, THE LORD is your shade at your right hand ; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. THE LORD will keep you from all harm ; He will watch over your life ; THE LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and for evermore . Amen.

These are very old pictures, but I like these pictures as good souvenirs
1st picture : a very old black & white picture : Tafika and Ravo in 2000
Tafika was the well-known Dahalo who took a shot by the army and who died
2nd picture : a viewing point of the Manambolo river - 3rd picture : Lemena
One of my preferred paddle-man too - I've never seen him again later
![However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you,
but rejoice that your names are written in heaven
[ Jesus, The Son of God in Luke 10 : 20 ] Tintin comics by Herge](BD_Tintin_Nestor.jpg)
Evangelical Songs
I was made to praise You
I was made to praise You
I was made to glorify
Your name
In every circumstance
To find a chance to thank You
I was made to love You
I was made to worship at your feet
And to obey You, Lord
I was made for You
Sing Alleluia
1- Sing alleluia to The Lord (2)
Sing alleluia (2)
Sing alleluia to The Lord
2- Jesus is risen from the dead (2)
Jesus is risen (2)
Jesus is risen from the dead
3- Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth (2)
Jesus is Lord (2)
Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth
4- Jesus is coming for His own (2)
Jesus is coming (2)
Jesus is coming for His own

RATSIMBAZAFY Ravo Nomenjanahary
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e-mail : r_ravo@hotmail.com
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