PRAYER is just a free and happy
relationship with GOD

To pray is an intense act.
It's to be in front of God,
to speak to the almighty Lord,
to talk to our Father
« Be persistent in prayer,
and keep alert as you pray,
giving thanks to God »
( Colossians 4 : 2 )
Prayer is thinking and thanking.
It is thinking of our many blessings
and accepting them with a thankful spirit
[ Wilferd A. Peterson ]
GOD loves you : He wants the best for you
GOD is wise : He knows the best for you
GOD is powerful : He gives the best for you
The most important thing is our hearts.
The great thing about prayer is that
GOD looks primarily at our hearts
[ Greg Laurie ]
Spend more and more times to pray with all your heart,
Because prayers thwart Satan's intentions and
prayers can change the History of the whole world
( Pleased to The Lord 2011 )
![Don't forget to pray today because
GOD didn't forget to wake you up this morning
[ The Prayer : just a free and happy relationship with GOD ] Christian thought Tim and Snowy, comics of Hergé - Christian thought, webmaster Ratsimbazafy Ravo Nomenjanahary, Prayer, to pray](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/Tintin_et_Milou.jpg)
Below are from Reginald E.O. White
( from the Book « Olo-malazan'ny Vavaka » )
- Prayer is the rampart of our mind
- Prayer is the key of all padlocks which imprison our soul
- Prayer is the biggest act that we can do for our neighbor(s)
- When we pray we feel and we meet God
Sometimes prayer is the only connection you may ever have with some people
[ Marsha Marks ]
Prayer is a dialogue, not a monologue.
To pray effectively, we must listen to GOD as well as speak
[ David Yonggi Cho ]
GOD will always be there with us
And give us the strength to meet the difficulties of life
[ Wendell E. Mettey ]
A faithful GOD does not expect you to do what you cannot ;
He supplies the needed strength
[ Erwin W. Lutzer ]
How to pray ?
Primo : be honest with God
Secundo : let Him answer you
That means : give Him times to reply you |
Javier read the Bible in Courageous film - Rollover :
The Webmasters of this web site : Pierrette & Ravo
Honeymoon in Sainte Marie island 1999
Your Prayer will draw your way
Your Faith will help you to go through it
[ François Gervais ]
No one can pray and worry at the same time
When we worry, we aren’t praying
When we pray, we aren’t worrying
[ Max Lucado ]
He who kneels before GOD
can stand before anyone
Prayer can also give us the grace we need
to endure trouble and be brought much closer to GOD
[ Greg Laurie ]
Before you go to sleep,
run over your personal world mentally
and thank GOD for everyone and for everything
[ Norman Vincent Peale ]
Do not exclusively say your prayers in the form of asking GOD for something.
The prayer of thanksgiving is much more powerful
[ Norman Vincent Peale ]
Prayer is good, not for giving us satisfaction,
but for transforming us
Prayer and patience,
such as prayer and to obey God are inseparable
In prayer, what we say is nothing in front of our honesty
Christian renew and fortify his power only by prayer
Prayer changes fear into power
You are stronger than you think,
because the power of Almighty GOD is available to you.
Your strength is renewed when you trust in Him
[ Kendra Tillman ]
Pray for the desire and power to follow His will and not fight for your own.
You’ll never know what GOD has waiting for you right down the road
[ Tricia Goyer ]
When pressure builds up, don’t panic.
Pray ! Prayer is a tremendous stress reliever. It can be your safety valve
[ Rick Warren ]
Positive thinking can change you, but it won’t change somebody else.
But positive prayer can make a difference in someone else
[ Rick Warren ]
Prayers don't have to be long & eloquent
They need only come from a sincere & humble heart
Always ready to act
And always in a spirit of Prayer
![Prayer is just an easy talk to God,
like an easy talk between a little child and his father / mother
[ Christian Thought ] - Prayer quotations and quotes Christian thought, webmaster Ratsimbazafy Ravo Nomenjanahary, Prayer, to pray](../madagascar_ravo_ftrav/Bug_God_and_I_Christian_thought.jpg)
![Prayer is just an easy talk to God
like an easy talk from a little child to his father
[ Christian Thought ] - Prayer quotations and quotes Charlie Brown and the Peanuts - comics book of Charles Monroe Schulz](../madagascar_ravo_ftrav/bd_agent_212.jpg)
- Charlie Brown -
The GOOD SEED - Let's continue to talk about Prayer -
Prayer is not a magical procedure to have success in examination or in business
Prayer is not a magical procedure to avoid risks
Prayer is not something for weak people who want escape the reality
Prayer is not something for those who can't assume their responsibilities
Prayer is not to say sentences to make God happy
Prayer must not be the last solution to solve a problem, after trying all possible solutions
No ! Prayer is just an easy talk to God, like an easy talk from a little child to his father
But God with his great compassion replies to our prayer
more than our hope, even if we have stopped to pray
( Read Luke 1 : 5 to 17 )
not because you need something but
because you have a lot to thank GOD for
Dear GOD,
if today I lose my hope,
please remind me that your plans are better than my dreams

M.F. Garnier's illustrations in 1958 Boscher's Method
Poem-Prayer of Mark Langston
USA, lock down 2020
As I sit and dare to write
No animal or man is near
Thoughts extend beyond my sight
But there is one who surely hears
Our Father who is in heaven
As I think of who you are
Restorer of creation’s gloom
He who holds the seven stars
Redeemer of our human doom
Hallowed be thy Name
As I breathe this toxic air
Where darkness rules and powers shake
Flames consume and no one cares
And thirst for right-ness goes unslaked
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done
As I dream about your throne
I would a mirror could reflect
Holiness upon our home
And light our paths without neglect
As in heaven, so on earth
As I hunger, as I thirst
The lilies neither spin nor toil
Face the daily windy worst
With worries buried in their soil
Give us today our bread for this day
As I sorrow o’er our faults
We simply ask and they are gone
Man and God doth owe us naught
For we repeat your mercy song
Forgive us our debts as we forgive debtors
As I wander lost in way
Within a world of fleshy stealth
Guide our footsteps day by day
Prevent that we condemn ourselves
Bring us not to a place of temptation
As I speak a battle brews
A covering cherub leaves us hurt
Still you lead us homeward through
A hostile sphere which rules our dirt
Deliver us from the evil one
As I rise to journey on
The age to come - my goal, my mind
Blink of eye, this world is gone
The Kingdom, Power, Glory Thine ! Forever
Amen - [ Mark Langston ]
![As I dream about your throne
I would a mirror could reflect
Holiness upon our home
And light our paths without neglect
As in heaven, so on earth
[ Mark Langston 2020 ] Paint Red Bridge comics - pray, wait, trust - the prayer, to pray](../madagascar_ravo_ftrav/BD_Paint_Red_Bridge.jpg)
Dany comics : 'Equator'
Paint Red Bridge comics
![As I rise to journey on
The age to come - my goal, my mind
Blink of eye, this world is gone
The Kingdom, Power, Glory Thine ! Forever ! Amen !
[ Mark Langston 2020 ] Ambohimanga Rova Madagascar - Ravo.Madagascar and Mark Langston - pray, wait, trust - the prayer, to pray](../Gif/Ravo_Madagascar_Mark_Langston_2.jpg)
Ravo & Mark Langston
2013 July, Ambohimanga
The Blue-Sacred-Hill, Madagascar
Liantsoa Jenny 2013 Photos
Vondron'ny Mpiara-Mivavaka VMM
FJKM Ankadifotsy Christian Church
2010 - 2021
To maintain the sweet presence of GOD in the secret place of PRAYER
To not frequent the place of PRAYER
is without doubt to be more and more KO
[ Jonathan Valbon ]
Prayer is a positive force,
Worry is a negative force
[ Joyce Meyers ]
We must never get tired of praying for our loved ones,
because sometimes GOD works suddenly,
and sometimes He works over a period of time
[ Joyce Meyers ]
Jean Chrysostome ( Archbishop of Constantinople around 344 - 349 AD ) said :
PRAYER is a powerful weapon, a no limit treasure of very great richness, a sure harbour against storm and cyclone, an efficient tool which gives peace, the spring of many many good things ; Prayer is largely better than an empire ... When everythings are OK for man, his soul is weak and feeble ; but when trouble comes, this hard and very hard test pushes man to do a pure and fervent Prayer to GOD. ( such as during the bad event of Coronavirus, Covid-19 of 2020 )
![When we PRAY for others, GOD listens to us and blesses them.
So when you are safe and happy, remember that someone is praying for you
[ The Prayer : just a free and happy relationship with GOD ] - Christian thought Vondron ny Mpiara-Mivavaka AFF, FJKM Ankadifotsy, VMM, Christian thought, webmaster Ratsimbazafy Ravo Nomenjanahary, Prayer, to pray](../madagascar_ravo_fbrut/AFF_FJKM_Ankadifotsy_Madagascar_a.jpg)
Some regular members of the 2014 Group of Prayer of FJKM Ankadifotsy Christian Church
VMM - From left to right : Alice • Bebe Yvonne • Rinah • Rondro • Claudie
Bebe Sahondra • Mélanie • Ravo • Irmà • Manoela • Zo
and our President Hajason who was absent on this day
but always present every day
Prayer should always be our first response to every situation
[ Joyce Meyers ]

The most important is to be sure
to have eternal life
RATSIMBAZAFY Ravo Nomenjanahary
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